Upper liberal list. Also, courses may be cancelled due to low enrolment.

Upper liberal list Also, courses may be cancelled due to low enrolment. Courses that meet Liberal Studies requirements may be found using the Advanced Search option in the Upper-Level Perspectives The Perspectives are Social Sciences, History, Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts and World Culture courses which satisfy the Liberal Studies requirements of the Undergraduate Core Curriculum. . Open electives provide students with the opportunity to choose degree-level courses outside their core or to gain greater depth within their core. This is called the breadth requirement. Students must take Liberal Studies courses from at least two of the three categories (listed below) in order to graduate. Check the specific Liberal Studies elective requirements for your program. I actually have researched what are some of the "bird courses" in terms of Upper Liberal Electives. I’m looking for really easy and cool courses to take, pretty confused. According to this reddit forum & based on my interests as well, these are the courses that most people say are easy: GEO793 - found in Table B GEO509 - found in Table B MUS505 - found in Table B & Open Elective SPRING 2025 LIBERAL STUDIES CHECK-SHEET (Courses are 3 credit hours unless noted otherwise. Please list any recommendations you may have along with any professors who you think I should take the class with. Not all courses will be offered every semester. Open electives also allow students to complete courses towards a minor. The Table B-Upper Level Restrictions list that appears under your program/major are courses that cannot be used to fulfill Liberal Studies requirements. What are lower-level and upper-level electives? Upper Level Liberal (UL) - Normally taken during the last two years. The required number of lower and upper level liberal studies courses varies according to program, and is specified in the program's overview in the undergraduate calendar. The Continuing Education courses listed on the linked pages below are accepted as credit towards the General Education requirements of most diploma and certificate programs, or as credit towards the Liberal Studies Elective requirements of most degree programs. ) Please refer to the schedule of classes for the most current information regarding Liberal Studies course offerings and availability. The Table B-Upper Level Restrictions list that appears under your program/major are courses that cannot be used to fulfill Liberal Studies requirements. Wanted an updated list, or any cool courses you have I need to find an upper level liberal from table B that’s being offered during the Fall semester. Open Elective (OE) requirements 27 votes, 30 comments. cqgn sohz wpfk jekva txrxodb gkes ltbrxpb xuimn zvs gpjwbv