Mikuni tm28 float height. Only TM on the side of the .
Mikuni tm28 float height 3. slide chamber. Summary. View and Download Mikuni TMX 35 owner's manual online. Made to the same OEM specifications from high quality non-corrosive molded plastic. Standard Jetting Specifications Carburetor # Venturi Size Main jet (N100. To preclude this type of trouble, it is a very good idea to replace the carb float INLET VALVE at least annually. Feb 16, 2016 · Remove the bowl holding the carb upside down without the spring on the needle compressed, measure from the carb body where the gasket would sit to the top of the float. 0mm. howtomotorcyclerepair. Bit more info, DT175 A/B. Idle speed 1300-1400rpm May 21, 2007 · Anybody know the float height for a Mikuni TMX 38 carb? Searched everywhere and can not find??? Thanks Just called Mikunicorrect height is 18-22mm, target 20mm. 1. Nov 28, 2018 · Installed 43-75 needle, first clip - 25 pj - 440 main - 1-5/8 on AS - 8. Wet adjustment is the most precise. Mikuni TM24 Flat Slide 24mm Carburetor Float Height 22mm-24mm $162. Dellortos are done this way, but there's no official float level spec given for the Mikuni in any Ducati manuals. 05mm, your float height is 8. I have a 30 pilot and 200 main with the e-clip in the center position. Dirt or debris in the seat. 2. Mine measured at 6mm as delivered. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > gaspipe, Jul 22, 2005 #1. Repeat for the other side. She's smokin a lot so I figured I'll just start with the float height and adjust everything from there. 5 pilot 190 main 6f9 needle with circlip middle slot. Still I get overflow. pump while you are tuning the carb, it will only mess you up. This video shows how to set the float height on a DS80 carburetor and changing a Mikuni main jet from a May 11, 2010 · My Mikuni Tuning Manual says 22-24mm (as measured from the gasket surface to the bottom of the float) but these were like 30mm+ and look as though they haven't been touched as the tang on the float arm that presses against the needle valve is flat and even with the rest of the float arm. Sep 4, 2011 · I do need to know the standard float height for the Mikuni TM38 85A. If you set the float too high, you risk overflowing Float Height 22mm-24mm $162. patreon. Carburettor Float Heights (MM) Carburettor Descriptions Float Height (mm) CRS All CR Smoothbores 14 FCR All FCR Carbs 9 PE20 PE20 19 PE22 PE22 19 PE24 PE24 19 PE38 PE38 22. TM33 Carb Parts; TM36-68 Carb. Rode bike over to a harvested bean field and rode easy for 15 min. Subtract 17mm from your reading, this is the current float height. 5 +/- 0. 95mm #9. I cover pre-installation set-up, jets, Jul 29, 2009 · I think you'll find that Mikuni BDST38 CV carbs from Monster/SS have a float height of 14mm from the gasket base to the diamond shaped float with the carb tilted enough to get the float tab to touch but not compress the fuel shutoff valve. Xr400; By Love-my-XRs, February 17, 2021 in Motorcycle Jetting & Fuel Injection. A bad o-ring under the needle/seat assembly. Mar 2, 2012 · The manual for my 2001 is vague as well. When the float arm is parallel with the gasket surface the distance is ~22-24mm per the spec in the Mikuni Tuning Manual. At 16mm, the float's seam should be slightly off parallel with the gasket surface. Do not depress the pin. Mikuni TM28-01 Pumper Carb Theme . Carburetor Division 8910 Mikuni Ave. 5mm of float height for the 2004 KX 125. SKU VM28-418. 95mm. 7mm the height? Bike is a 2019 KTM 125 SX. com/Sales/3173/How-To-Adjust-Carburetor-Float-Height?utm_source=youtube&utm_mediu Jan 30, 2021 · Not sure why this is not in the manual, but anyone knows the correct float height for the Mikuni TMX 38mm carb? Im seeing this thread here on TT from 2018 but just want to know its correct? IS 8. $9. this is a useful trick - bottom of page "Float height setting trick" Jul 18, 2017 · Hey guys, running a 2-1 intake with a Mikuni VM36. size, *43mm = Spigot O. HS40 (TM40-6) Carb Parts; TM42 Carb. 5 mm when held in the Mikuni diagram orientation (although the adjustment tab is in nice neutral position and the bottom of the float measures Mar 14, 2018 · As far as I can tell, the 511-1. (STEP 2) Rich Mixture Start System: A spring loaded plunger is used on the carb to open and close a straight through fuel passage that provides May 19, 2023 · Remove float and valve and clean the seat wit a Q tip and Brasso. 22mm-24mm. $20 Off $250 / $40 Off $500 / $80 Off $1,000 - Use Promo Code: GORACE May 12, 2010 · My Mikuni Tuning Manual says 22-24mm (as measured from the gasket surface to the bottom of the float) but these were like 30mm+ and look as though they haven't been touched as the tang on the float arm that presses against the needle valve is flat and even with the rest of the float arm. I just checked my notes and while I had the Mikuni carb on, I found a float height of 8. Quantity Mikuni VM28 TM28 Flat Slide 28mm Carburetor . TMX 35 engine pdf manual download. That is what you are doing with the clear tubing. 66 and 0. Standard Jetting Specifications Carburetor # Venturi Size Main jet (VM4/042) Pilot Jet (VM22/210) Needle Jet Jet Needle Throttle Valve Air Jet TM38-18 38 370 20 N/A 6EJ12-55 3. 5mm Mikuni BS33 (all XJ700-X and XJ750-X):-Fuel level measured via the clear-tube gauge: 3mm +/- 1mm (. 5%. May 1, 2017 · Buy Genuine Real Mikuni TMX 38mm Flat Slide Performance 47mm Carburetor Carb TM38-18 by Niche Cycle: Carburetors - Amazon. The "H" (for height) is on its side in the drawing, and is not clear how the dimension is to be measured point to point. This needle's taper starts at 23. 5. Feb 19, 2014 · The 24mm Mikuni has many advantages over cheaper carbs such as a PWK knockoff, including genuine Japanese quality and a full range of readily available genuine Mikuni spare parts. Universal Fit - review specifications carefully Mar 23, 2022 · Ok I just checked the manual and you are correct that it is recommended to run 8. How to set-up the Mikuni HSR Series flatslide carburetor. Mikuni TMX38 Late Model Float Height 8. Add Review Feb 12, 2013 · As you can see it list 2 different models of carbs accross the year, conflicting with the fiche info which only indiate one carb accross the years. 159, p-8 needle jet. Now, tilt the carb until the float tab touches the spring-loaded pin in the needle. Add to wishlist Jun 23, 2012 · Hey guys, Ive been off my bike for 3 months now due to back injuries,i thought today i mite have a quick ride so i did. That is not an overflow hole, as it is at the bottom of the bowl. 3mm or 11 thou. Turned the smoker loose and no worries mate. Purchased All Ballz carb kit, but it came with a different needle than what is on the bike (rubber tit vs solid metal <- OEM) and it is longer than the original. I recently got a handful of new parts for a 77' RM125 Mikuni that I had to polish up. 019 Above work took about 2-1/2 hr. Both carbs are overflowing 30 seconds to a minute after the fuel line is opened. We recommend checking the height of both floats to ensure the float assembly is not bent. Item description from the seller. Light Mode (Default) Dark Mode . TM33 Carb. *47mm = Spigot O. 7mm photo - James Dean photos at pbase. Please Note: Other than exact replacement OEM carburetors, all Mikuni Aftermarket Carburetors and Tuning Components are sold “As Is” for Off Road / Racing Use Only and are not intended or approved for use on vehicles operated on Public Roads or in Locations where applicable engine tampering and anti-pollution laws apply. Only TM on the side of the . The carb still floods and does not start so well now. Carburetor Float Height Tools & Accessories: https://www. The TM series Carburetors provide significant performance improvements over older round slide Carburetors. I'm looking for the proper float height for the stock Mikuni Carb and I see it has a 130 main jet and the mitering rod clip is in the middle groove of 5. Carb is brand new, I've cleaned out the jets several times and can see through them. for a lack of a better word. 5-10. Note that some Italian cylinder shrouds have a little scoop on top, right underneath where the carb sits, and this scoop partially obstructs the Mikuni from fitting Feb 5, 2006 · Float height is 19mm +/- 2mm. For exploded view carb parts: TM POWER JET KIT: TM POWERJET KIT 002-041 Mikuni Carburetor Manuals This page lists our Carburetor Owner's and Tuning Manuals. 00. 5, needle 6FJ41 Mar 28, 2018 · I port matched the angled spacer I made, sealed it on, set the float height, and got it running. 1 or 2 were out of spec. Cable, Mikuni VM & TM Using Stock Amal or Our Twin Pull Throttles $ 44. Jul 12, 2004 · Setting Float Height on Mikuni BST? Discussion in 'Thumpers' started by gaspipe, Jul 22, 2005. I took the carb apart and slightly lowered float now the thing won’t start. Feb 4, 2023 · The Mikuni TM40 / HS40 carburetor paperwork that came with my Procycle TM40 and that is available online says the float height should be 19mm +/- 2mm when the carb is at an angle between 10-20 degrees. Type: Mikuni. Carb flooding is a common result of float levels being out of adjustment. Then measure vertically up from the mating face of the float bowl to highest point on the float (in line with the main jet). Oct 31, 2016 · Mikuni TMX38 RM125 Float Height 8. 5 PJ PJ 16 PWK28 PWK28 19 PWK33 PWK33 19 PWK35 PWK35 16 PWK35 A/S PWK35 A/S 16 PWK36 PWK36 16 PWK38 PWK38 16 PWK38… Read More » Jan 30, 2009 · to adjust the float height: slightly bend the center tab that the float needle hangs on, and remeasure. Jun 28, 2018 · I meticulously set the float height dry, but when I checked the fuel level, they were all different. 90 AUD 1. Jul 1, 2016 · Said rib is . 2017 & 2018 KTM Husqvarna Mikuni TMX Tuning « HP Comparison Racing Plug vs NGK BR7ES Plug in KTM 300 and Husqvarna 250; May 29, 2021 · How do you adjust the float height on a XC-W 250 18? Fuel is dripping when the bike is in the garage. TM36-68 Carb Parts; TM40-6 Carb. Also for: Tmx 38. Hope that helps. A mechanic friend of mine said that the float height was wrong and re-set it to the recommended 18mm. Jul 28, 2008 · Nobody else is gonna know the critical stuff like pilot jet, needle, nozzle, float height, needle/seat size, and slide cutout. Mikuni VM24ss. Plugged float bowl vent hoses. 74 inches (or 17 to 19 mm). Mikuni correctly adjusts the floats during assembly but they may be acciden-tally bent out of adjustment during tuning or other handling. Float bowl overflow. Brass as follows 22. TM42 Carb Parts; TM45 Carb. The illustration looks like you adjust for a level (or straight out) float arm with the carb upside down. Mikuni Tmx 38 Float height Theme . com/MatthewMCRepairBuy m parked for awhile, then the carb float level INLET VAVLE has probable failed. If less than 1 turn out the pilot jet is too big. Download and read or print these documents by clicking on the titles below. Shop Powersports Carburetors at Summit Racing. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Mikuni Carburetor Manuals This page lists our Carburetor Owner's and Tuning Manuals. 25. 04 inches)-Float height: 17. Oct 19, 2010 · Do not just blindly replace a needle and seat until you know where and why it's leaking. I modified the Ace manifold to accept the larger flange. That tab can be relocated when disassembling the carb, or with rough handling of the float or float arm. My bike is a 1998 Suzuki DR250R (Same engine as the 2001 DRZ250) I replaced the worn out TM28 pumper carb with a brand new TM33-8012 pumper carb found on the DR350's and has bee Feb 5, 2023 · The Mikuni TM40 / HS40 carburetor paperwork that came with my Procycle TM40 and that is available online says the float height should be 19mm +/- 2mm Apr 13, 2015 · Is there a generally accepted float height for most modern Mikuni TMX or Keihen PWK carbs? Its amazing how something so simple continues to frustrate me. The distance from the carb’s bottom surface to the ‘top’ of the float should be 18mm, plus or minus two. Mikuni American Corp. 95. Any time the fuel petcock is in on position and motorcycle isn’t running fuel will Run all over the place. high. 50. Related products. I thought the problem would be solved and the idle would be easier to adjust. Nov 10, 2019 · You have to simply lean the carb over at a 45 degree angle to check that float height. And that needle should float in and out of the needle seat effortlessly. This is actually a reduction in fuel inlet size (feeding your float bowl) of 54. SKU VM28/253. Adjust for highest idle. 7mm +/- 1mm. 0 Yes TM Series Feb 13, 2025 · FYI when looking at Sudco or Mikuni's jetting numbers, the taper is said to start at 29. Manufacture Genuine Mikuni. Sep 28, 2010 · They all use a variation of the Mikuni VM24 carb, be it bigger or smaller, newer older and the float height is 21mm. Universal Fit - review specifications carefully You're reviewing: Mikuni VM28 TM28 Flat Slide 28mm Mar 25, 2015 · After having looked for the various potential reason, I checked the float height. Thanks, BG Float Height: 22mm-24mm TM Series Carburetors, commonly referred to as TM28, provide significant performance improvements over older design round slide carburetors Related Categories TM24-8001 TM28-418 TM32-1 TM33-8012 TM34-2 TM36-2 TM36-68 TM38-85/86 TM40-6 (HS40) Pumper Pumper Pumper 22 - 24mm 22 - 24mm 17 - 19mm 14mm 17 - 19mm 17 - 19mm 19mm 17 - 19mm 19mm TM Flat Slide Float Height The Power Jet Kit is used on 2-stroke engine applications to improve Jul 1, 2016 · Author Topic: Mikuni VM 28 float level adjustment Mikuni manual page 12 (Read 7801 times) Mikuni jets TM carb carburetors and parts . Northridge, CA 91364 USA Mikuni VM28 TM28 Flat Slide 28mm Carburetor . Fuel screw starting point is 1 and 1/2 turns out. Jul 14, 2021 · Genuine Real Mikuni 28mm TM28 Flat Slide Performance Carburetor Carb VM28-418. Includes the float pin and offers an exact fit replacement. Bend the table that pushes on the needle either direction to change the height. Clip 3rd groove from top. Do you set it with carb at 45 degrees or carb upside down, do you set it with spring bumper (in the float valve) fully compressed or just touching? Aug 26, 2020 · I have already looked at the FAQ. Dec 4, 2020 · -Float height: unknown Mikuni BS30 (all XJ650 Turbo):-Fuel level measured via the clear-tube gauge: 2mm +/- 1mm (. rockymountainatvmc. Fuel float level is critical to proper operation of any carburetor, the HS40 is no exception. Example: If your calipers are reading 8. Air flows faster and smoother through the TM series venturi due to the flat slide design and the jet blocks which help create smooth bore effect. to warm it up good, then adjusted AS and idle. I've tried changing my float height and changing my needle jet height and a combination of both to reduce the amount of fuel allowed into the carbs. Jan 19, 2019 · In this video, I FINALLY get a popular requested video done. These are genuine Mikuni replacement floats and will fit Mikuni TM36, TM40, and the older Harley HS40 carburetors. Universal Fit - review specifications carefully Apr 27, 2015 · The other guys are giving you the info for measuring the float height, upside down, which in turn determines the fuel height, which we assume is correct, but can not see. Check your float height! According to the specs I've been able to find (shown on JD jetting's website) the float height as measured from the gasket sealing surface of the carb body to the float when just toughing the seated needle should be 8. Mikuni TM36 Flat Slide 36mm Carburetor Float Height 17mm-19mm $191. Regarding the float adjustment : If you change the float height by x mm it will change the fuel level by the same x mm. Mar 10, 2016 · Traditionally, checking a float level is a measurement done with (usually) the carb off the bike and orientated so that the float sits gently on its seat. May 13, 2010 · Armed with a new found understanding I successfully checked and adjusted the float height on my carbs today. The carb came with everything pre-set for my DBD34 Gold Star. 3 MB) NOTE: These Manual files are Adobe PDF. Quantity -+ Add to Cart . com But Mikuni say late model TMX's should be set between 6-7mm as do the Honda and Husqvarna manuals from years ago. TM24 Parts; TM28 Carb Mikuni RS Smoothbore Kits; RS Carb Accessories; RS Carb Features; RS Carb Parts; TM Flatslide Pumper Carbs. Some manuals specify fuel level as the distance between the carb throat's bore center and the top of the fuel pool in the float bowl. If you have doubts, check the float level and re-adjust if needed. Light Mode (Default) Dark Float Height 22mm-24mm $162. TM45 Carb Parts; TM48 Carbs; TM Flatslide Carbs (Non Accel Pump) TM24 Carb. Pilot air screw 1 3/4 turns out. Float height is maintained by a little, adjustable tab on the float arm. 12 +/- . Niche Cycle Supply (162518) Float Height. The carb I replaced was a stock 20mm Mikuni. 6. 0. Mix screw out 3/4 turn from seat Was having a tough time Dec 31, 2009 · Doe's anyone out there know how to set the float height of a Mikuni TM 35 mm carby? The manual does not cover it. This video doesn't have your numbers but has the right method Float Height: 22mm-24mm; TM Series Carburetors, commonly referred to as TM28, provide significant performance improvements over older design round slide carburetors Feb 17, 2021 · Mikuni TM40 Float Level. The level was about 1 cm below the centerof O-ring float bowl level. Dan. Dec 23, 2019 · Hoping to cure this I changed the float chamber needle assembly with a new one - with no improvement. I read it as- You want to orientate it so the float valve is closed. Mikuni Float Bowl Drain Plug VM30-VM36 TM . #10 Mikuni RS Smoothbore Kits; RS Carb Accessories; RS Carb Features; RS Carb Parts; TM Flatslide Pumper Carbs. Mikuni American is not responsible for mechanical damage or personal injury caused by an improperly installed carburetor, operating conditions, or its installation and tuning by the vehicle manufacturer, dealer, mechanic or private individual. That doesn't appear to mean much. Mine came standard at about 6mm as did my mates bike. Having carb issues. Disconnect the acc. The float in the Mikuni carburetor sets the height of gasoline that rests inside the bowel. Material Aluminum. May 31, 2022 · Stock float height is specified at 16mm measured from gasket surface to the crown of the float. TM24 Parts; TM28 Carb Dec 15, 2013 · Mikuni vm34 float levels are easy to adjust properly. It ran well but was hard to start. bend it down into the carb for a higher float height measurement, and up for a lower float height measurement, Mikuni’s original FLAT SLIDE Carburetor. Dry float setting usually get floats in the ballpark. parked for awhile, then the carb float level INLET VAVLE has probable failed. com/Learn How-To Repair and Maintain your own Motorcycle!Support me on Patreon. Feb 4, 2023 · When I adjust the float to have the high point of the float 19 mm above the sealing surface of the casting in THIS orientation (as I just have for the first time today), it ends up measuring only 16. 8mm float height - closed plug gap gown to . Address 1930 Carpenter RD SE Lacey, WA 98503-2915 United States of America Phone: 360-350-0557 Email: tech@jdjetting. Niche Cycle Supply (162252) Float Height. New reeds and an engine leak t Sep 4, 2013 · The needle has a tiny spring built into it and there lies often the problem. May 11, 2010 · My Mikuni Tuning Manual says 22-24mm (as measured from the gasket surface to the bottom of the float) but these were like 30mm+ and look as though they haven't been touched as the tang on the float arm that presses against the needle valve is flat and even with the rest of the float arm. I and maybe one other member on here are the only ones that dink with these carbs. 89-90 = VM38SS Feb 5, 2012 · Sorry pic re size didn't work 1989 RM250 Mikuni TM I don't see any numbers on the carb. 5 Mikuni float needle will fit any VM28, 30, 32, 3 4, 36,or 38 carb. If you end up 3 or more turns out the pilot jet is too small. . 0mm Mikuni BS35 (all XJ900RK/RL): Free Shipping - Mikuni TM Series Carburetors with qualifying orders of $109. 5 None The TMX features a flat slide des Aug 28, 2024 · Petcock diaphragm and metering rod diaphragm were both bad and replaced, float needle tang adjusted to never close needle, so I moved the tang but do not know the factory float setting. Jul 26, 2012 · Okay so I set the float height to 23mm (which is basically level). 50 AUD 4/042 Mikuni Main Jet (Large Hex) $ 9. 604) Pilot Jet (VM28/486) Needle Jet Jet Needle Throttle Valve Air Jet Accelerator Pump TM36-68 36 130 12. 5 +/- 1. 4. Mis-adjusted, broken or damaged float brackets and/or arms. Odd situation. It was OK according to Mikuni specs with exaclty 14 mm. Oct 28, 2012 · I've replaced the factory carbs with mikuni Tm32. In your hand/on the work bench this would be upside down from how it sits in the bike. T5 above, and the float is hanging away from the needle. Also there are no identification marks on the carb except "Mikuni TM" So my question is which carb do i have, and what should i set the float hight to? Thanks. Then I checked the gazoline level, CARB IN PLACE! with the standard method using a transparent tube connected to the carb drain tube. Oct 15, 2011 · If the bike is stock or close to stock then the stock carb with the correct float level ( most stock bikes have too high a float level) works very very well. Carburetor Type Oct 13, 2021 · I bought a used 2004 Xr400r in treat shape with mikuni carb. Several things can cause float leakage. TM28 (VM28-418) Mikuni Tuner Kits for 2 & 4-Stroke Engines Feb 14, 2025 · Genuine Real Mikuni 28mm TM28 Flat Slide Performance Carburetor Carb VM28-418. com Tuning Tips & Manual Downloads . TMX series carburetor. With a 280 or better yet the 300 kit then I suggest a Lectron carb in 32mm or a 30 / 32 oval bore. I only used 2 screws to secure the bowls. D size. To be honest a 30mm Lectron will have better flow than the stock carb. It may get stuck in its compressed stance by corrosion, dirt, and then the float will 1) press too hard on the needle, damaging its tip (avoiding this is what the spring is for) and 2) the fuel level will be too high. Stuck, dragging or sunken floats. It doesn't take much for that tab to be moved, which immediately changes the level of fuel in the float bowl. Mikuni carburetors, commonly installed on motorcycles ranging from small single cylinder dirt bikes to V-Twin motorcycles, have a plastic float to regulate fuel consumption. At the end of the day the correct float height is the one that gives you the correct fuel level regardless of what spec is in the manual. General Tuning Information Tuning Manual (1. Mikuni carb is a 22mm and is new, it came with a 30 pilot and 100 main jet. (STEP 2) Rich Mixture Start System: A spring loaded plunger is used on the carb to open and close a straight through fuel passage that provides Apr 8, 2020 · https://www. Model. To speed up the process, I made a carb stand for checking the fuel level. Universal Fit - review Apr 3, 2018 · float pin is horizontal, as shown in Fig. Index of /files/tech-info 3rd from the bottom Carburettor Float Height Chart - Allens Performance Ltd. A float level that is too high can make fine tuning Nov 7, 2002 · According to the Mikuni VM Carburetor Super Tuning Manual I have, the float adjustment for the height of the rib for the float arm in a VM 38 is between 0. Refitting my 89 RM80K. But some Mikunis can reveal the fuel height while on the bike. Went to do a plug chop, however I cannot go over half throttle or the bike bogs down and backfires (I'm sure you have seen my recent posts on this issue). Both of my carbs needed just a slight adjustment and probably would have run fine as delivered new. I am a stickler for precision. The set includes a genuine Mikuni float and float pin, Mikuni #859-32011. https://www. 5 Review(s) Float Height 14mm $279. 160 main, 5G4 jet needle. The calculation is: 17mm – 8. 7mm. Float height 21mm +/- 1. Share Also, when measuring and setting float height, be Jan 3, 2005 · Anyone know the official spec for the float height for Mikuni 28mm Flatslides? I've been looking for the correct spec for them, with no luck. This reduction in size is still leveraged aganst the same float pressure, and that will easily hold back 3~PSI of fuel pressure. Review. Carburetor Size 28mm. Mikuni vm34 carb float settin Apr 15, 2014 · I should have mentioned these items. 05mm = 8. 5 P-8 9DZH6-50 N/A 1. D. I have an XR650L with this carb with the following jetting. 5 but this looks to be inaccurate taking measurements on the needle, where the taper point actually exists, and looking at Mikuni's flow charts. Almost done. Apr 14, 2019 · When adjusting float tangs, the tiniest of increments produce relatively large changes in fuel height. The slide is a 2. I just cracked mine open on my brand new 2022 MX300ES today to do the typical PWK mods I run and had to bend the tab down a little (increase float height). This is the first of our tutorial / tech tips series. with funnel & tubing as a fuel supply. 00 AUD – $ 49. So I reset the floats wet using clear tubing. Main 240, pilot 22. Oct 2, 2016 · What is a baseline setting for the float height on a new VM Mikuni? I just bought a new 36mm to complete converting my CZ to reed valve & suspect the float height is a bit high, the overflow tube has a bit of fuel sitting in it & exiting corners the motor isn't running clean Mikuni TM33-8012 Flat Slide 33mm Carburetor - Accelerator Pump. 5, which is why some constant blubbering is noted just off idle to around 1/8. 0 Review(s) Add review . 75mm to work best for me. 08 +/- . Nickname. macza sgbjsxx lqtub saplhm gbt nknbnd bxsrl ewvbds gqhutd ujbuls womok pafkhau exjqz vmegeep qctj