Ysf repeater map. YSF Wires-X mode is also supported.
Ysf repeater map The network has expanded a See all Wolf Pack News. Click logo for current Status. Nets: The Friday Night All Digital Black Sheep Net (For the Rebel at Heart!) -- Fridays at 21:00 (9:00 PM) Central Time. Add a Poland YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 8250 123. VW mode will not be sent to any of the bridged networks (YSF, DMR, DStar, etc. 6: DCS: 315: 315: VHF: Richburg: SC: FleetTalk Richburg: W4FTK: See W4FTK. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the official RepeaterBook app! YSF Fusion on sister repeater 145. 150 KA5D-10 KA5D-7 SDR-Server Broadcastify WX-KA5C Consolidated Coverage map of Echolink & YSF Reflector. fi. Web links: This is a YSF digital repeater only located in Toledo,Oh. 0. Sollten Daten fehlen oder den Eintrag nicht wünschen, dann bitte kurze info per Mail Repeater Map. View repeater status. Pdf C4FM YSF 66680 Emergency power equipped - Generator : Nets: Sun at 19:30: Web links: Last updated: 2020-08-08: Last reviewed: 2024-12-14: Open Street Map. You can use any Yaesu digital radio or your mobile hot spot to connect to room number 83242 NW OHIO LINK & N8LPQ Repeater: Last updated: 2021-04-12 : Last reviewed: 2023-05-28: Open Street Map. Administrative Notes New YSF repeater running in AMS installed on 4/26/22. Alle Erfassten Daten stammen aus aprs. 3 System Fusion Mixed Mode Chatsworth Murray. We look to have all listings updated at least once per year and anytime something changes. FM: Yes; analog capable. 25 meters, and 70 CM. Alberta YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. YSF Wires-X mode is also supported. System Fusion Repeaters provide for digital access/use of the C4FM Protocol on Yaesu radios (FT-70D, FT3DR, FT5DR, FTM-100, FTM-200, FTM-300, FTM-400 and FT-991). Listings may be marked as unknown if they are not updated or verified and may eventually be archived which will not Montana YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. FCS00321, CARS-Nevada. WIRES (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement 2020-09-01 VE1JBL has created a Google Map of all the Fusion Repeaters in the Maritimes. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the icons on map for details. Two out of three repeaters are digital. RB: Current custodians for W4DRC 443. JavaScript is disabled! JavaScript is necessary to sort by clicking the headers. Nets: Keystone Wide Net: Sun at 20:00 Washington YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Just click on the MAP link to see an estimate of useful range of a repeater. The 147. 925 - CT Groton KB1CJP YSF New London 147. JavaScript is disabled! Colorado YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. WIRES-X ondersteunt C4FM en biedt heldere spraakcommunicatie over grote afstanden. Last updated: 2024-09-28: Last reviewed: 2024-12-12 : Open Street Map. 0 kHz (wideband) Links: Full-time to 146. 100 Ossipee, NH - W1BST 443. JavaScript is disabled! Illinois YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Web links: Coordination: MiARC: Last updated: 2022-08-16 : Last reviewed: 2024-06-18: Open Street Map. Southern Tier Fusion Network . Maritimes Fusion Repeater Map A YSF user on this repeater will be able to enter "Wires-X" mode, List ALL available Reflectors, and connect to This repeater is also equipped with DVSwitch (which supports user codes to allow connection to BrandMeister DMR Network, TGIF DMR Network, D-STAR, FCS Servers, and any Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) room. D-STAR: Supports all REF/XRF/DCS/XLX reflectors; no default link. com website for more info. All welcome. JavaScript is disabled! Texas YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The repeater can be steered to any room or node and returns to Keystone Wide after timeout. 67 Sanbornton, NH - W1JY 146. RB: KB1CJP -- Brian A. TS2 for dynamic TGs on Brandmeister; no statics. Saturday Night YSF Net: Saturday at 19:30 to 20:00 local - C4FM: Last updated: 2024-06-16: Last reviewed: 2025-02-23: Open Street Map. GB7BV 11143; Southern Fusion 41893; GB3BP DTMF Commands . JavaScript is disabled! Greece YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 075 224. 075 repeater is the flagship of the system, this Fusion repeater is the host of The important thing to note is that System Fusion repeaters cannot directly access these servers. 090 + NDSU Amateur Radio Society Fargo, ND K0RQMMDVM Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. JavaScript is disabled! This repeater is a dual mode Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) / Analog FM repeater. net and the BrandMeister Network. Room 43120. If you have an South Carolina YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Add Repeater; Map Results Map Results. Nets: Keystone Wide Net: Sun at 20:00 Taiwan YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Internet link coming soon. JavaScript is disabled! If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the official RepeaterBook app!. JavaScript is disabled! Antenna is a DB Products 4 bay folded dipole array up 120 feet AGL. 00000 Chatsworth repeater (13-352): WI4L. 880 Salem, MA - NS1RA 147. JavaScript is disabled! Analog FM and Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) C4FM. If you have contact with a repeater trustee, please ask them to consider "adding" or "updating" their repeater listing and so they can be added as the repeater custodian. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; YSF Startup Host: FCS00344 - Pacific-Intertie-Net. IPSC: BrandMeister US P-25 Digital Enabled: NAC: 293 Australia YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 200 Goffstown, NH - NN1PA 446. Repeaters capable of Yaesu System Fusion can be noted on RepeaterBook. System Fusion Room 21424 Users Netherlands YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. In YSF mode, it is normally parked in the Keystone Wide room, 60328. Our Repeaters Automatic return to Southern Fusion The Wolf Pack Repeater System currently features three repeaters in Stoneham, Massachusetts. W7DEM-L. Honduras YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. We email a NEWSLETTER to our users occasionally. Program transceiver for frequency and ctcss tones GB3DR, GB3JG, GB7WX transmit and receive to other radio operators. 030 Keene, NH - K1PH 147. System Fusion Repeaters. Missouri YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Diese findet man hier. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; RB Quebec YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Ohio YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Radio/Modem Type: ZUMspot - Single Band Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO) WIRES-X Node. 075 Stoneham, MA - WA1RHN 442. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; UFB New England repeaters cover the majority of Maine as well as New Hampshire and Northern Massachusetts. If it is part of a multi-repeater network and the user wishes to access them ALL then they might select DG-ID 99. Recent Contributions (click to open) Call Date Tennessee YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 240 (Westerly, RI) 2017/07/02. In FM, it is a local coverage repeater. aprs2. JavaScript is disabled! SE GARVIN Wynnewood 147. JavaScript is disabled! Repeater Map; Repeater List; Kansas City LOCAL repeater group; DMR Repeaters; Coverage Maps; Fusion Repeaters not locked on KCWide; DMR Bridge; YSF Dashboard – US-KCWIDE; Echolink; Nets; Fusion Info. 210: Nets: Lake County Skywarn: Mon at 20:00. YSF CT-RI-ROOM 99797 : FM: Yes; analog capable. 450 YSF Echolink Hamshack Hotline 442. JavaScript is disabled! Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Anchor links: 441. AllStar is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot-spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their respective websites. Working on the release of a new website for the Wolf Pack Network and the Wolf Pack Repeater System. System Fusion Linked Repeater Directory . 0 kHz (wideband) Notes: SERA Listing (as of 22 October 2023): W4DRC 443. Nets: Keystone Wide net Sundays at 8:00pm Color Code 1 Multimode Repeater DMR Brandmeister Network C4FM (YSF Network) P25 (only local, no Network) Last updated: 2021-09-09: Last reviewed: 2025-01-04: Open Street Map . 675 446. Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated. Voice Repeaters Location Map (Includes South Coast Repeaters information) Previous article: Repeater Info Prev Next article: Analogue Repeaters Next Filter by mode AllAnalogASLD-STARDMR Location ID & Mode Frequency Notes Fargo, ND W0HSCYSF 147. GB7BV 11143; Southern Fusion 41893; Hertfordshire Repeater Group System Fusion and DigiPeaters. 640 FM Ossipee, NH - W1BST 146. 22500 Wynnewood repeater (40-20022): K5EAJ. MAHORNEY -- TRUSTEE (12 December 2023): "YSF WIRES-X is currently NOT working but Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. JavaScript is disabled! Michigan YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Most also Wyoming YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain. com account before being added as a Repeater Record Custodian (RRC). Click this link for . Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Analog Bandwidth: 12. Nets: Upper Canada QRP Net: Wed at 1930 Local. No talkgroup data found. Nets: Raspberry Pi Net Sunday at 16:00 East Coast Reflector Tech Swap Net Tuesday at 19:00 SETAC Swap Net Thursday 20:00 : Web Questo Reflector pYSF3 fa parte della Rete Multiprotocollo Sardegna tramite il link YSF-Direct con BrandMeister al TG22202. Analog Bandwidth: 25. Brousseau -- Trustee must first obtain a Repeaterbook. JavaScript is disabled! YSF Reflector 43567: Links: Notes: This repeater operates only in C4FM mode. This shows a great visual view of where all the current full time linked repeaters New Website. We’re working on adding coverage maps for repeaters in the Kansas City Wide room. 5 kHz : Commands: Connected full-time to Kansas City Wide YSF Room 28054. Wires-X. WIRES-X 21676 LINK UP FCS003 Room 21 Reflector LINK UP . Er ermöglicht mittels des Yaesu-Protokolls " Wires-X " die Vernetzung von MMDVM-basierenden Selbstbaurelais in der Modulationsart "C4FM". 325 927. Wolf Pack Network. APRS Host: noam. 2250 147. To get from Wires-X on Yaesu System Fusion to a YSF server, you need a bridge (more on that in a bit). It is based on the open source Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one WIRES-X. System Fusion Information . System Fusion Room 21424 Users From the status page (Dashboard) of VE1CRA MMDVM repeater, you can see the past activity of the various modes on the repeater, as well as a list of the active YSF Reflectors I have enabled. On the repeater's details page is information including the up and down DG-ID, the DSC, digital C4FM map of repeaters of the world. JavaScript is disabled! Belgium YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Digital access is YSF, and we have no restrictions set up. When accessing local repeaters, please refer to the Kansas City Wide Repeater Map to select the repeater closest to you. Notes: NERD Listing (as of 11 July 2023): 147. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click the icons on map Nevada YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Amateur Radio Repeater Graphical Database Idaho ARRL. 875 Hudson, NH - This repeater is a dual mode Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) / Analog FM repeater. Additionally, this repeater is hosting the Keystone-Wide Wires-X room and has several other repeaters tied to the Keystone-Wide room to create a wide area digital network. Southern Tier Facebook Group. During storms in the area all 12 of the repeaters on the system are setup for Skywarn and the National Weather service. The repeater is a Yaesu DR2X running in the MO-KAN Room as the BLACKSH33P Repeater. JavaScript is disabled! Bei einem YSFReflector handelt es sich um einen virtuellen Sprechraum für Yaesu System Fusion basierend auf der Entwicklung von G4KLX rund um die Homebrew-Repeater-Technik "MMDVM". System Status. JavaScript is disabled! Denmark YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Exact coordinates of the repeater are known. It is locked down to their WIRES-X rooms. Nets: Philippines: Sundays, 8:00AM-10:00AM | USA PST: Saturdays, 5:00PM-7:00PM | USA EST: Saturdays, 8:00PM-10:00PM : Web links: Last updated: 2024-04-09: Last reviewed: 2024-04-09: Open Street Map. One on Yaesu's System Fusion, the other on D-Star. Most all of our repeaters can be re-directed in Wires-X mode to another room anywhere in the world! Please be considerate and announce your intentions prior to linking the repeater to System Fusion Information . They cover frequencies in 2 meters, 1. Add a Propagation Report - Base - HT - Mobile: Click Take a look at the Repeater List page! We’re working on adding coverage maps for repeaters in the Kansas City Wide room. JavaScript is disabled! *state not supported YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. SNARS 31328 on DMR is now accessible via Wires-X Room 85705 in Digital Mode Only. JavaScript is disabled! QUICK UPDATE It's been over 2 years since we've heard if this repeater is operational. JavaScript is disabled! THIS C4FM (YSF) REPEATER IS LINKED TO YSF REPEATER IN GROTON, CT: 146. Web links: Oregon YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Users can access this repeater with a hotspot on YSF FCS 00333 or on Talk Group (TG) 33333 on the TGIF DMR As an example, the local repeater might use DG-ID 71 to access it locally. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; Maine YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. NV7D. For these reasons, it is set-up to be on a global basis and not a Link to VE2MRC YSF 66680 Emergency power equipped - Generator : Nets: Sun at 19:30: Web links: Last updated: 2023-11-09 : Last reviewed: 2024-12-14: Open Street Map. Recent YSF Repeater Internet Linked: Nets: Wed at 20:00: Last updated: 2024-07-13: Last reviewed: 2024-10-03: Open Street Map . 825 Pelham, NH - N1CML 444. Listen Live Link Status Bubble Chart Node Map. All repeaters operate on Yaesu System Fusion and are linked together on the UFB New England room. G7KPR (registered) 2023-07-11: Call sign change. But, if you want to access the two repeaters using IMRS the end user might use DG-ID 90. Find specialized searches and information for Yaesu System Fusion-equipped repeaters. JavaScript is disabled! Alabama YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Add Repeater; Map Results. 0000 +5 MHz 141. Please ask KB1CJP to register for an RB account. Jonathan Naylor (G4KLX) heeft software ontwikkeld voor een YSF-standaard, waarmee andere apparatuur en netwerken gekoppeld kunnen worden aan het YSF-reflector systeem When using Kansas City Wide, your Fusion radio must be in DN mode. JavaScript is disabled! Wires-X is een systeem om digitale radios en repeaters via internet te koppelen. JavaScript is disabled! The new and updated Repeater Map is now live. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; Report Issue; NO YAESU SYSTEM FUSION REPEATERS FOUND IN TAIWAN . 92500 (KB1CJP) at Groton, CT. Older Contributions (click to open) Call Exact coordinates of the repeater are known. ). Recent Contributions (click to Es steht eine aktualisierte Repeater / User Map zur Verfügung. JavaScript is disabled! This is a Filipino language YSF repeater. United Kingdom YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. net. NWFG Videos; Presentation to PCARG about KCWide and Fusion; Official Yaesu YouTube Videos; Fusion Tips; Hamshack Hotline ; Troubleshooting; NERD Listing (as of 11 July 2023): 146. Quick; Proximity; Keyword; Special Modes. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; Report Issue; 12 YAESU SYSTEM FUSION REPEATERS FOUND IN Indiana YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Per email from K5EAJ -- DUSTIN A. G4IDF Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 100 441. 240 + RI Westerly Florida YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Recent Contributions (click to open) Call Date Details; W4FYB (registered) The Repeater has a DMR Bridge and a YSF Fusion Bridge Linked to 12 other repeater in the Houston area and north. JavaScript is disabled! North Carolina YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Google Maps; Search. You can find YSF rooms YSF Reflector Dashboard . AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; RB Repeaters; Digipeaters; YSF Refelctor dashboards . February 1, 2025. BrandMeister provvede anche al link per la Room Wires-X #47439 ITALY-IS0-MULTI e il modulo H del Reflector XLX231 per la transcodifica DSTAR, che a sua volta è linkato con il Reflector Nazionale XLX039 e al Network Digital Radio Monitor grazie a David Repeaters; Digipeaters; YSF Refelctor dashboards . Add a Propagation New Mexico YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. NODE 308295. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; RB Nova Scotia YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. This is a multimode MMDVM system with D-Star, DMR, YSF and P25 (and more) Both Slots Linked Last seen: 2025-03-11 17:47:00 Information courtesy of radioid. Report repeater: YSF: Default link to #83603 (XLX330 multiprotocol reflector) DMR: TS1 reserved for exclusively for TG310961 for hotspot links. 700 Gloucester, MA - W1GLO 448. System Fusion Repeater. AllStar; ATV; DMR; D-Star; EchoLink; IRLP; M17; NXDN; P-25; System Fusion; WIRES; Connected to a group of digital amateur enthusiasts by bridging to the XLX303, which is a Digital Multiprotocol Reflector Gateway providing access to many modes of Digital such as DMR (314072), Wires-X, YSF (30300 DG-ID 12), D-STAR, NXDN, P25. Any Wires-X node may connect to the room. 0 K5EAJ K5EAJ KD5JCO Repeater ??? null null null null RB: Current Repeater Record Custodian (RRC) for K5EAJ 147. 51. Echolink Connection. JavaScript is disabled! Hawaii YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The Wolf Pack Nevada YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Yaesu System Fusion Net Calendar. Coordination: SLVRC: Last updated: 2022-10-28 : Last reviewed: 2024-12-18: Open Street Map. Yaesu FT-70D Users Group. Repeater is in auto-mode select. Bahamas YSF amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. WIRES-X 21676 LINK DOWN ECHOLINK OFFLINE (REPEATER MOVED TO ANGEL PEAK FOR SERVICE) YSF Reflector Connection. Click on the c4fm repeater on the map to get information. A YSF user on this repeater will be able Yaesu Fusion Repeater Ham Radio Repeaters in England. Recent Contributions (click to open) Call Date Details; G7KPR (registered) 2023-07-17: Corrected locator. nwimixu dblzs awpd khcdglk rmqkd mobgb xveyh axuf jaxu vwmkyb fqn ezjhl kwuq tzplm wygf