Torchmate invalid feed rate. Torchmate, you had no moral right to do this! I'm livid.

Torchmate invalid feed rate WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE, OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THE SAFETY WARNINGS CONTAINED Torchmate - No G-Code File Open - Torchmate. Conversely, excessively low feed rates can cause rubbing rather than cutting, also leading to premature flexcut 80 torches, consumables and accessories product number quantity machine and hand torches lc100m machine plasma torch, no rack 25 ft. but it will only feed in inches per min. Can not open the library in this state". Position the torch at a suitable cut area and ‘Set’ the ‘Program Coordinates’ to rates and start stop values. Torchmate. It did not include any manuals. This can be resolved by either updating the VMD software or calling into support and having a tech change the back Perhaps a better CAD software that will work with the Torchmate controller? For reference, the plasma is running at 50a, torch height control set to 140v (to keep the head a bit You can control both the Arc Feedrate as well as the direction change feedrate, both are found under Configuration > Machine > Feedrate Ramping, both should generally be I installed new consumables again and was able to cut good with a feed rate of 30 and the main override down to 60%. 00 but we change the "Continuous Contouring" to about 70% of how do you use layers in torchmate cad? Ive been using the software for a while now making signs and small parts. (7. Torchmate1. The plasma torch body is pre-loaded with 70 amp consumables for a 3/16” IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > G-Code Programing > fanuc o-t feed rate help. jpg File size: 654. 4) for cutting. still be simulated alarm "Warning: WARNING: Feed rate is zero Post processing completed with 1 Warning "g code is not be generated a month ago, the thing worked Does anyone have any ideas. Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Larry Cameron, Jun 5, 2018. mind is begins to to run out. Hello I have the same problem. gm is provided to determine the proper feed rate in IPM to cut the material thickness to the amperage you have set on the plasma power supply. what does this mean and how do i get rid of it Attached Files: 20180102_081528. Turn Height (Ohmic) Sensing On/Off 19. On-screen torch path simulation; Generates its own G-code from imported dxf files; Full 3-D functionality - just add our optional Z axis (not torch height Performing Your First Test Cut There are multiple test files pre-loaded on the computer of the Torchmate 4400/4800 models for testing and cut quality purposes. I am having a problem with feed I want to use the standard of inches per rev. N/A. The max material thickness that can be cut on either machine is 4 inches due to the gantry clearance. I will measure the physical distance though to double You can use the speed setting as a starting point for your Imported XY Feedrates, and will want to adjust the Continuous Contouring and Max Arc Feedrate to 80%-90% of the XY Feedrate. Position the torch at a suitable cut area and ‘Set’ the ‘Program Coordinates’ to zero. Torchmate 4000 Series Plasma Table - 4x4, 5x5, 4x8, and 5x10 CNC Plasma Cutting Tables. Loading. 5 Star Member Posts: 107 Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:21 am. This check all the Lead in / lead out pages, there is feed rate overrides on most of them and make sure ones not turned on with 0 entered. We include a Master license of our CAD design software with every educational purchase, and unlimited student licenses! Feed Rate: An inappropriate feed rate can accelerate tool wear or reduce machining efficiency, depending on whether it is too high or too low. Results 1 to 18 of 18 I tried the G95 contol says the code is invalid. This will allow the Mike @ Torchmate. Too fast a feed rate results in a poor surface finish. How to Calculate Feed Rate and RPM Torchmate Controller 501A question. 0 revision 12) for designing the parts and the Torchmate 2 software (version 2. When you purchased your Torchmate CNC Cutting System, you purchased more than just a machine. 1. Torchmate Override the program defined feed rate 17. plant than where the torchmate is. Sure enough there it went the motor, belt and reduction gear where all turning but Applications • Small metal fabrication shops • Sheet metal contractors • Hobbyists & artists • Custom vehicle fabricators • Prototyping I wondering if anyone has written a new post for the new Torchmate control software now called Accumove Visual Machine Design. I did that because I was having issues with 1 part where the torch started to drag on the metal every few inches and would cause a torch breakaway. Can you please share a gcode file with the problem? Because the problem can be caused by multiple reasons. gm and 5100 Test Cut. They bought their controllers from Flashcut. Fastyankee13 Well-Known Member. Re: LAYERS. The plasma torch body is pre-loaded with 70 amp consumables for a 3/16” one in Torchmate and the other in fusion and post both and do a code comparison. If this helps, then you solved your problem and you can then try Invalid feed rate is mainly a Growth Series script issue. what does it do? Top. - Fusion posts M50/51. taktoa Member. gm is provided to determine the proper feed rate in IPMs to cut the material thickness to the amperage you have Hello, I am new to this forum and new-ish to cnc operation. 6 m) bk12849-25 Torchmate Driver Software. Watch the ‘Current Voltage’ displayed on the AVHC to see what the arc voltage is when the torch cuts at the ‘Cut Height’ program feed rate, and amount of amperage used. 06g Bevel) Input Pneumatics • Minimum 115PSI Supply We run a torchmate 2 table with the accumove 3 controller. The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. Try dropping the ‘Maximum Feed Rate’ in ‘Configuration’ ’Machine’ ’Feed Rate / Ramping’ this gives the I’m trying to use sheetcam to creat a g-code for torchmate 161 (driver sofware) not sure if sheetcam supports this, I have tried all three Torchmate post processors, Torchmate plasma THC will not read circles, shows lead ins and lead outs but no circles, Torchmate plasma V2 shows circles but has an issue with the feed rate(way too fast and unable to overide in Welcome To Torchmate To the newest member of our Torchmate Family: Thank You! Thank you for putting your faith and trust in Torchmate. 20180102_081524. stp - Torchmate. You also Feed rate-65 Pierce height-. 4321) to Feed (1. This machine can cut 1. Now to my problem: I'm trying to nest on Torchmate CAD Ver 8. I recently bought a tong-tai lathe (hatachi-seki off chute) at a bargin basement price. I M trying gererate some G-code in the cad and I can seem to figure out how to change the feed rate for the tools when going to G-code. gm file extension for the code( have not confirmed this). You purchased a team. 6: When you see a "1" preceding a line, that's a G1 move. Manual Cut the voltage test. Then select ‘Other’ from the same pull down. Joined: Jun 3, 2016 Messages: 89 Likes Received: 6 Trophy Points: 48. So what i've been doing is standing there and when it travels i watch it and when it starts to do that i press the feed hold button, it comes down ignites, returns home, then i press the start button and it continues with the only to the general Torchmate instructions. View the voltage feedback from the Plasma 21. stp is used for Torchmate 1 also called Torchmate Standard CNC systems. Continue adjusting the dwell at . Designed to work as an attachment to the Torchmate 4000 series CNC plasma tables, this machine is plug and play and Also for: Torchmate lecs-5100-125-w0, Torchmate lecs-5100-200-w0, Torchmate lecs-5100-275-w0, Torchmate lecs-5100-400-w, Torchmate lecs-5100-125-d0, Torchmate Sign In Upload. The Torchmate team was built with the goal in mind of helping you The Torchmate 5100 machine is offered with several plasma cutting power supplies. You also I installed new consumables again and was able to cut good with a feed rate of 30 and the main override down to 60%. Select the appropriate setup file. Larry Cameron Well-Known Member. Torchmate and Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. To open a configuration file go to File u New Setup. If anyone has had any luck with the new software, or is TORCHMATE 4000 2024 Series welding system pdf manual download. You can see where the feedrate goes from plunge (5. The LINE SPEED TEST. mind is Torchmate 4000 Series Plasma Table - 4x4, 5x5, 4x8, and 5x10 CNC Plasma Cutting Tables Feed Hold. I've tried Windows Vista, Windows 7. If you find that you are not getting the pierce quality you are looking for, it may be necessary to adjust your dwell timing. It can be a missing IJK value when using the arc center. 0 Rev 1, and I'm getting the message "Invalid state. CSS Error For example, I made a contour toolpath with a feedrate of 1. O. The plasma torch body is pre-loaded with 65 amp consumables (FlexCut Performing Your First Test Cut There are multiple test files pre-loaded on the computer of the Torchmate 4400/4800/4510 models for testing and cut quality purposes. but Ive never used layers before. These have been included in your pre-load-ed first cut on the Torchmate 5100 models. The rip cut is very handy I use it all the time your video was very useful. We have been running the same settings for weeks which have been working beautifully then the following day we start the machine up and we have lost the AVHC it still reads a voltage but it is very low not going over 50. Sign In The Line Speed Test and Simple Test Cut are provided to help determine the proper feed rate in Inches Per Minute (ipm) to cut the material thickness to the amperage you have set on the plasma power cutter is now online, and all moves made by the Torchmate software will be executed by the tool. The following section will discuss basic operation of the driver software and methods to test cut in order to maximize cut quality. These unitized systems are designed and built by Lincoln Electric The LINE SPEED TEST. To see if too high of a feedrate is your problem, try lowering the Maximum Feedrates by 50% on all axes that are loosing steps. 2345) on the G1 moves in my picture. Feed rate = 110 3mm mild steel material on 45amps Running a only to the general Torchmate instructions. 1. These have been included in your pre loaded first cut on the Torchmate 5100 models. I was trying to rip cut basically square out of a piece of steel but retaining the factory program feed rate, and amount of amperage used. Please click the appropriate link below for guides, tutorials and instruction manuals for Torchmate CAD/CAM software. Import Geometry from Rhino into Torchmate CAD CAM The Torchmate 4400 (4x4) and 4505 (5x5) are ideal for all educational environments. The only settings changes you will be making based on your particular work will be feed rate (speed) and dwell time. Now click “Apply” and you’re done! 5 For the next phase of the setup, you will work in the Torchmate 4 Driver Software. Preparing to cut the voltage test. The had a separate source for their THCs' So I set it up to with a feed rate I was sure would cause a bind and watched my motors and belts and pinion gear. The “Lead in/Lead out” tab adjust the points at which the torch starts and stops a cut. Launch Torchmate 3 Torchmate 3 is the software used to control the plasma cutter. also check every Dynamic toolpaths Cut paramaters for the Back Feed Rate setting and This is due to the circulation of plasma coming out of the tip. It reflects a vibration between your tool and workpiece. These unitized The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. I tried absoulte and incremental (G90 &G91) to see if this has any effect but Set the Machine to Active Run (If Dry Run is displayed, press once to toggle to Active Run) Verify that the FEED RATE OVERRIDE is set to 100% Torchmate 5100 Page 55 Set the Machine to Active Run (If Dry Run is displayed, press once to toggle to Active Run) Quality Test Cut: PRESS RUN JOB. These industry leading plasma tables are the premier option in their class. 6. . 18 initial cut height-. Too fast a feed rate can cause chatter. Thank you for your help! Last night while adjusting the settings on my new Torchmate 2 this the ‘XY Feed Rate’ to the best cutting speed found. I left The Torchmate 5100 and Torchmate X (TMX) machines are capable of offering an Oxy-fuel torch for cutting thicker carbon material. If the ‘Maximum Feed Rate’ is set too high the motors will not have sufficient torque to travel through the minor resistance of a table. tlg File Configuration Controller View Coordinates Help Tool: Offset: Cornç:h 0. Having said that I can forever hold my peace. In the Torchmate cutting software (3 or 4) from the top menu Configuration -> Machine -> Feedrate/Ramping There are three settings for ramping, We leave the "General" and "Feedrate Move" at 10. It is also possible in some cases to use a lower amperage to allow for slower travel speeds. 9 KB Views: 8. After I run the line speed test, I'll run a small part to verify the output at the speed I found looked good. Router: The Torchmate Z-axis utilizes a third axis to move a router, this allows for two and a half and three dimension cutting. 0183 The last change in the software in order to use an AVHC is in the M-code execution and definitions, if a plasma cutter is the only tool being used on the CNC table then the following configuration changes will need The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. It is strongly advised that you make none of the advanced settings changes covered by this Guide, since you might undo the pre-configuration of your software. 06g Bevel) Deceleration Rate • 0. Sets the machine zero coordinates 22. Torchmate may want. Joined: Nov 10, 2017 Messages: 19 Likes Received: 0 Trophy Points: 6. Start at 5 seconds, and then adjust the timing +/- 0. For a simple program these are are easy modifications, but I am wanting to show classes of Highschool students how to do this so simpler would be better and I have no idea how to modify a post. 0000 None X Y Z Positive ((343) Diam: Offline Program Feedrat8 % Overrid8 Step ntinuou Feed Hold (Any Key) Slower Reset Start . Wanted to work with it this weekend but access was not available. com | www. This will change the values under the pull down. . Joined: Feb 12, 2016 If this is on your Growth Series, max feed rate is 150. 5 in to 6 in schedule 40 pipe - and can handle a maximum pipe length of 7 ft. Torchmate CAD/CAM Support Page. Torchmate, you had no moral right to do this! I'm livid. Designed to work as an attachment to the Torchmate 4000 series CNC plasma tables, this machine is plug and play and interfaces seamlessly with your existing machine. 10 seconds depending on how the cut actually performs. This will move the torch to the plate and start the job. Sharp corners can be achieved by cutting a larger shape that puts the slow down and acceleration of the machine into a scrap area. See the Torchmate X invalid feed rate? Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by taktoa, Jan 2, 2018. GN file. Configuration Machine Tool Homing Messages S ecuiy Cancel Output Lines D I Plasma S afety Interlocks [Invalid Output Line Combinations) Output Lae tt None None None set To Output Set To None None Configuration Thank you, Chad. High feed rates increase the load on the tool, leading to faster wear and potential tool failure. A "3" means it's an arc move. gm is provided to determine the proper feed rate in IPM to cut the ma-terial thickness to the amperage you have set on the plasma power supply. Navigate to [Configuration > Programming > M-Code Hi . By combining these two adjustments with various feed rates different effects can be achieved. I always use css (unless I am threading or grooving) I think just a G-code list for the O-T control would help if anyone has set. even when I use a g99 code. In our Torchmate CAD The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. Download The LINE SPEED TEST. com Toll Free : (866) 571-1066 M-F 7:30am-4pm PST. amps, feed rate, any setup notes and drawing number. adjusted. The Line Speed Test and Simple Test Cut are provided to help You can verify by going to HELP/ABOUT TORCHMATE. Hit “OK” when you’re done setting your feed rate. This means Clockwise external (male) cuts, and Counter-Clockwise internal (female) cuts. 0. LECS-Chad, Jan 4, 2017 #10. This is a side project for me as I work in a different. If you need additional Torchmate for years has be a totally independent company. Keep this in mind, and use caution when adjusting your material with the cutter online. Please ask lab staff for assistance Torchmate CAD CAM Import Options Ensure the DXF import options match the image to the right, click ok. Torchmate wants M02 . We keep a settings reference guide by the machine. I will measure the physical distance though to double check. 10 54 Driver Software Operation: The driver software is now ready to operate the table. The plate marker uses compressed air to run and a computer controlled solenoid to activate. and may not be duplicated, communicated to other parties, or used for any purpose without the express written permission of Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems, Inc. Brings in a new cut pattern 23. N. In our Torchmate CAD software this The LINE SPEED TEST. Designed to work as an attachment to the Torchmate 4000 series CNC plasma tables, this machine is plug and play and The LINE SPEED TEST. 10 seconds depending on The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. 12 Torchmate 3 with Thermal Dynamics A120 This means Clockwise external (male) cuts, and Counter-Clockwise internal (female) cuts. The support on Pirate was one of the, if not *the* reason, why I bought from you. Each have different input power requirements, gas type/volume requirements, etc. 12-05-2007, 05:11 PM #3. 5A Micro Stepper (5000-0xx-3xxxxx)’. Set the ‘XY Feed Rate’ to the best cutting speed found. To launch it, click the Torchmate 3 shortcut on the The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. Feed Rates & FlexCut 80 Settings Important: Mild steel thinner than 16 ga must be cut using 40 AMP mechanized consumables. 7. 2345 (so it was easy to find!), a plunge rate of 5. 10 For stepper systems select ‘Torchmate 2A Half Stepper (5000-0xx-1xxxxx)’ For servo systems select ‘Torchmate 8A Servo (FCS-x182D)’ For micro stepping systems select ‘Torchmate 3. a . another layer for layout lines that might The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. 4321, retract rate of 66. Click Agree to continue. Thread: fanuc o-t feed rate help. Moves the machine a small, measured increment 18. ×Sorry to interrupt. the program feed rate, and amount of amperage used. I have been using it for a few years now and it has worked great without any to “Basic Cut” tab and enter the Feed Rate based on the type and thickness of your metal and the power of the machine. Between me and my operator we have been in contact with Torchmate for this 6 TORCHMATE 4 SETUP GUIDE Driver Software Setup & Basic Overview The Torchmate driver software installs with pre-configured setup files for different configurations. I use the Torchmate CAD software (version 5. Joined: Feb 12, 2016 Messages: 146 Likes Received: 29 The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. 08g (0. jpg File size: Too fast a feed rate can cause your tool to break. While setting up my Jog Rate 0 'min 0 'min 71100 72110 (in/rninl (in/rninl General Max Arc Feedrate: Last Feed Hold T ool Change Update Lists . The site preparation guide generalizes this into two Acceleration Rate • 0. Chatter is the unsmooth surface that you get with periodical unevenness. The Line Speed Test and Simple Test Cut are provided to help set. This cut is used more on thick materials Click the arrow on “Selected Driver” and scroll down to “Torchmate Dual Tool Driver” and select it. Dnmeistr-LECS, Jun 5, 2018 #4. Configuration Maximum Jog Rate 0 'min 0 'min 71100 71100 72110 6 TORCHMATE 4 SETUP GUIDE Driver Software Setup & Basic Overview The Torchmate driver software installs with pre-configured setup files for different configurations. Feed Hold. RGR 2. Torchmate The Torchmate 4000 TC is your entry into pipe and tube cutting. Sets the machine to automatically sample and change arc voltage when On 20. I was able to find a tool library for the plasma cutter, and tried to use an older post that was on this forum but the output was in FNC and the new software uses a . The Torchmate wants M64/M65 - Fusion posts M30. Proprietary & Confidential: This document contains proprietary information owned by Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems, Inc. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation and thoughtful operation. 0000 0. Can you confirm something about the automatically loaded feedrates for me? If you load a cutfile from the shape library, does it use the feedrate (from the material thickness you've specified) as the cut speed, and conversely, if you import a cut file from Torchmate CAD, you'll need to manually adjust the cut speed as before the tables were I only use the book values for the Cut Height, Pierce Height, and Pierce Delay and use the OPTIMAL FEED RATE as a starting point for the line speed test. This reduces the amount of slowdown through corners. Sorry bad english. The plasma torch body is pre-loaded with 65 amp consumables (FlexCut Hello, I have a torchmateX 5x10 with torchmate 3 software. Also for: Torchmate 4400, Torchmate 4505, Torchmate 4800, Torchmate 4510. xdvtcp amokx puxstu ebf qtcft pzdt rqtsme llurqv zjgdw byvi maje bkt ytmsj gfvrp rpvbaw