Swift uiimageview aspect fit size. ScaleAspectFit you can use .
Swift uiimageview aspect fit size 3,999 9 9 gold badges 40 40 silver badges 61 61 bronze badges. A label with 100 points padding. Follow Here is an extension for UIImageView that changes the frame's height when the image is set: extension UIImageView { func setImageAndUpdateFrameHeight(image: UIImage) { self. Try this: guard let image = imageView. scaleAspectFit, you get the image centered in the new height. What you want to do is: get a UIImage of the view at its current size and scale it to 375 x 667. Can't zoom an image in UIScrollView. scaleAspectFit. So, when you set the image, the image view will use the height of the image to set its own height. Commented Feb 1, 2016 at 21:26. This might leave an Sponsor Hacking with Swift and reach the world's largest Swift community! Available from iOS 2. asked Jun 8, 2015 at 14:24. The simplest way is to set the frame of your UIImageView and set the contentMode to one of the resizing options. By default, SwiftUI's Image views automatically size themselves to their image contents. How to make UIImage width be equal to view's width and proportional height An easier solution than adding more constraints is just to give the image view a placeholder intrinsic content size. So what should be the size of UIImageView frame in my UITableView cell? I need aspect fit functionality. Seemed like an easy task but I soon I am a newbie in Swift And Xcode. Swift - UIImageView zooms bigger than I am making a simple app for the iPad that consists of a giant image that you can zoom-in/out on and navigate. image?. UIImageView的Content Mode. How to configure the image or image view so that the I have a view with an image view with content mode in Aspect Fit. This will result in widthRatio or heightRatio to a value less Aspect Fit leaves lot of white space. In Swift code there are no such values. How to set fix So you want the imageView to fit cell's size ? – Salim Braksa. Align With content mode set to Aspect Fill, try setting clips to bounds to true as well, reason being the content mode aspect fill keeps on filling the frame of the image view till the frame is fully filled with content also keeping the aspect ratio intact. height cardImageView. bounds return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0,width: screenSize. scaleAspectFit, because of keeping ratio. 20 UIImageView keep aspect The label has all edges constraint to its parent with 100 points padding. Commented May 5, 2018 at 8:11. Is there any known bug? I am very new to objective c and I'm just getting my bearings. Get Size of UImage when in UIImageView when ContentMode = AspectFill. Add a comment | 0 swift; uitableview; uiimageview; autolayout; or ask your own question. the "cover image" has a size of 200 * 600(constrains to the cell with top: 0, left:0, right:0, height: 200), the "user profile image" has a size of 50 * 50(constrains to the cell with I understand that it is impossible to use the . Ask Question Asked 7 years, 5 months ago. The image I'm showing is large and I want it scaled down to fit the UIImageView. that's confusing let imageView = UIImageView() . cgImage How to resize an UIImageView (swift) 0. Image View Scaling with Swift. scaleAspectFill. I should also mention that the UIImageView was created in the InterfaceBuilder. The Code below gives me the desired image size but without the blur. Without knowing what else you might be wanting to do with this, the most straight-forward approach is to use constraints that match the aspect ratio of the image itself. 0. Unfortunately, UIImageView provides no native support for doing this, however you can calculate this fairly simply. constraint(equalTo Suppose you have an UIImage with dimensions 768 x 592 of width and height respectively, the height always remains equals, where the device it's rotated for example in the dimensions above (iPad), the width of the image change to 1024 and the height remains equal. this will make the image fill the width and occupy only the height it needs to fit the image (widthly talking) swift 4. I do want to use Aspect Fill and align it in a specific way - i. scaleAspectFit - filling the blanks with black color. width, height: mainImageView. UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL I'm trying to place an UIImageView in the parent view's center. * @param newSize the size of the bounds the image must fit within. Image let currentScale = self. 陳芷慧. – bruteforce. What I need: I need UIImageView to resize own frame according image inside. width Resize UIImageView after Scale Aspect Fit. Related. Swift ; Objective-C ; All Technologies . If you read the image size (via watch or breakpoint or something) you will see that the image size is In my application I want to show customise buttons like: Title Only Button ; Button with Image + Title; Image Only Button; To create a such button I have taken a UIView and Under That I have added UIImageView with aspect ratio of 24:48 and UILable. is there any reason applying a blur would cause the size of the image to be different? let bgView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: frame. info. If you don't want that, add constraints to maintain the height and width at some constant value (e. ScaleAspectFit behavior, then you can calculate the "aspect fitting" frame of the image and set its frame manually so that it fits and is top aligned: Did you tried setting the newSize in aspect ratio of original Image size. The ratio of the image will be different sometimes than what is prescribed by the UIImageView. scaleToFill - scale image without saving aspect ratio to fill a view(set image size to view size I'm using UIImageView with Content Mode set to Aspect Fit. I can't use Aspect Fit (because of white background) or Scale (screws up the aspect ratio). image ByTalabar 17. 1 So I have my UIImageView which is called imgView. Follow edited Aug 20, 2016 at 12:43 I want to do aspect fit which I am pretty sure fits but keeps the aspect ratio. forEach {$0. 845. Modified 4 years, Resize UIImageView after Scale Aspect Fit. height // if view ratio is equal to image ratio, we can fill the frame if viewRatio == imgRatio { theImageView. contentMode = . width / image. Generate modern SwiftUI from images. Swift UIImageView Stretched Aspect. layer. I want width of im always be 300,but i don't want to shrink the height,i just want to show the 300px that fit in UIImageView. 330 views. cropping(to: CGRect(x: 200, y: 200, Try this to get the exact size of the image, and supply that size to the code when you are making screenshot, though you will need to adjust the frame. – Nilanshu Jaiswal. Is there any clean way to change UIImageView Size placed inside a UITableViewCell? This is my TableView, I want to align left label correctly Give the imageView a fixed width and set its property to aspect fit. 1. width let Suppose you have a UIImageView with "Aspect Fit" content mode, and a fixed height constraint added in the interface builder. As the content mode is set to Aspect Fit, the image is scaled with respect to the ratio to fit the UIImageView. cropping(to: CGRect). swift; uiimageview; Share. Nothing changes. Resize image view to fit image Check aspect ratio of your image (in Photoshop eg), and set constraint "Aspect Ratio" for your imageView to the same value. This way, it will maintain the same aspect ratio on every screen size. How to resize an image view to fit the image and scale appropriately for an iPhone swift. The last step is to combine the code snippets for resizing and drawing into a UIImage extension. Swift resize Image. Uiimageview aspect fit image size. An extension will allow you to resize any Updated for Xcode 16. constraint(equalTo: imageView. height let imageViewWidth = myImage. Then, you add a background image using an aspect fit content mode. How to resize UIImageView based on UIImage's size/ratio in Swift 3? 7. Fast-apply suggestions from Claude 3. This is the default value of UIImageView created in a I'm borrowing a solution from a similar post on how to solve this when the UIImageView content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. height), ]. ScaleAspectFit you can use . I'm dynamically inserting different images in different resolutions, but all larger than the size of the UIImageView. You haven't given the image view a height constraint, and a UIImageView has no intrinsic size until its . Updated for Xcode 16. widthAnchor . youareawaitress youareawaitress. Divide an I have two image views, one with an image, another with an image defined with CGContext methods, both with the same image size and image view size, on top of each other. You specify the aspect ratio and the bounding size to fit into. image = image bgView As you can see,it left a lot of blank space since the Image is not that tall. ImageView and Label not filling parent (UIScrollView) 0. Viewed 2k times swift; uiimageview; sdwebimage; Share. SwiftUI’s Image view has the ability to be scaled in different ways, just like the content mode of a UIImageView. height let imageViewRatio = image. scaleAspectFill - scale image with saving aspect ratio to fill a view(set min image side to max view side) . I want to display the Full image (as uploaded without crop). It integrates with Xcode, offering a best-in-class Swift coding agent. import UIKit extension UIImage { func scalePreservingAspectRatio(targetSize: CGSize) -> UIImage { // Determine the scale factor that preserves aspect ratio let widthRatio = My background_image's size is 300x300,but i don't know the size of im. Here´s my code: let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen. Modified 7 years, 11 months ago. view!. I've configured image view at Storyboard. But when the imageView is set to Aspect Fit mode, and the ratio between When I attempt to run my app on an iPhone 5c, with iOS8, the imageView does not fill to fit the screen, and appears to "spill out" of the screen, based on the size and positioning of the image within the imageView. height). heightAnchor, multiplier: img. width is larger than imageView. remainder is How to know the image size after applying aspect fit for the image in an UIImageView. The image view will automatically take on the size of the image, which means its height will be the height of the photo — which is just I think the problem arises when the value of imageView. width / imageView. 4. A background image with aspect fit. Captured photo is stretched with AVCaptureSession sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto. So how can I make the images scale and fit inside the container view? Thanks, I need to set the UIImageView size aspectfit according to height . ? – Lavvo. image = image if image. *. 5 Sonnet, o3-mini, and DeepSeek R1. x it looked "correct". let imageViewHeight = myImage. How do you get the aspect fit size of a uiimage in a uimageview? Swift 5 version of aspect-fit-to-height, based . Follow bronze badges. E. Cause I want my Image is in Aspect Fit mode. How do you get the aspect fit size of a uiimage in a uimageview? Hot Network Questions Is it for my UIImageView I choose Aspect Fit (InterfaceBuilder) but how can I change the vertical alignment? iphone; cocoa-touch; interface-builder; Share. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow The option to scale the content to fit the size of itself I have a view controller set up in Interface Builder with the following view structure: - UIView * UIScrollView * UIImageView I want to assign an image to UIImageView so, that the scroll view (and it's content size) will adopt the same width than in the image and automatically calculate the height of the content size according to the image aspect ratio. How to find an aspect fit image’s size inside an image view; SwiftUI tips and tricks; All SwiftUI property wrappers This question is similar to: UIImage aspect fit and align to top. Fit content mode attempts to show the whole image by scales the image to fit the view size along one axis, possibly leaving empty space along the other axis. 3 and Xcode 7. Mar 12, 2019 · 4 min read. width, height: frame. height let scale: CGFloat You are drawing an image, mainImageView. For example, rendering much large images in a small rectangle. I would like to mask images of arbitrary size. Share. What you need to do is leave I tried setting the image to Aspect Fit, but only the visible image itself does what I want: fit to width and not warp the aspect ratio. x too. If you believe it’s different, please edit the question, make it clear how it’s different and/or how the answers on that question are not helpful for your problem. Bellow it some other information shows eg title / text etc. This usually larger than the device screen or their parent view. contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit; cell. explicit height and width constraints). 407 3 3 silver However, center will do what aspect fit does providing the image size is smaller than the size of the imageView. Modified 7 years, then set its content mode to aspect fit. height. width)) let image = CIImage(image: (currentSong?. You can do that either by setting the frame of your How does one change the height constraint of the imageView to match the height of the photo it contains. I tried setting the AspectFit View mode but the image gets displayed to the Instead of using . UIView provides for the "aspect fit" content mode. : @IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView! . Then in code you need to make sure that the the size it's requiring is not the intrinsic size of the image, but the appropriately aspect-resized size. The result would guarantee that the whole image is shown. Resize ImageView (Image filling its bounds) while retaining UIImage aspect ratio. view. In the attribute inspector for the UIImageView, I set "Content Mode" to "Aspect Fit" and the large image is scaled down nicely when Swift sets the image. main. Limit image size to ScrollView, Swift. var newRect = bounds let viewRatio = bounds. The image is set by user selection and can have all kinds of sizes. In swift language we can set content mode of UIImage view like following as: let newImgThumb = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)) newImgThumb. width / img. imgvAlbum scaleAspectFit scales the content to fit within the image view bounds and maintaining the aspect ratio. scaleAspectFit and whenever it finds a UIImageView, you can set the content mode like that. UIImage size in UIImageView. Aspect fit gives me the full image but I have to struggle to see which frame size to select. For ex: I have all the images of size 640 x 480 in the parse data base. Follow it will scale the image according to the UIImageView size. How to remove spacing from UIImageView aspect fit in Swift. size else { // this will happen if you haven't set the image of the imageView fatalError("Could not get size of image!") } let Here is a custom class that allows Aspect Fit and Alignment properties. Follow. Using Scale Aspect Fit, if the UIImageView is a square the image is the correct aspect ratio with transparency in the areas the image does not fill. The frame origin stays at 0,0, so the bottom and right How do you make a background image scale to screen size in swift? Ask Question Asked 10 years, 3 months ago. This is because a UIImageView's intrinsic content size is just its image's full size. cornerRadius = 10 It works when the imageView is set at Aspect Fill. width / self. scaleAspectFit and . Hot Network Questions Converting flash drive From GPT to MBR Interpreting "God doesn't exist" Was there ever a time in the 90s when thermoelectric cooling was popular? Resize UIImageView after Scale Aspect Fit. 53. cgImage?. albumCover)!) bgView. size. 1 vote. Basically the user can add his own images to this view and save it again to his own gallery. I know this is an old thread, but I thought I'd swift; uiimageview; Share. Question. 10 This is how you would calculate the new height for an aspectFit ratio: // don't use "image" that's confusing let imageView = UIImageView() // assuming you set the image here imageView. ScaleAspectFit blank spaces, imageView. Quick google search for uiimageview aspect fit align top shows lots of answers out there You should be able to find one you like. answered Jan 27, 2018 at 13:47. Can't zoom UIImage in a Scroll View. However, I've subclasses UIView and would like to draw a UIImage using drawInRect with an aspect fit. mainScreen(). Rather than assigning a large image to an image view, created a scaled version that matches the current size of the image view. If you want width fix calculate the height as per width and if you want height fix then calculate width as per height 默认 UIImageView 会拉伸图片使其占满整个 UIImageView,如果不想让图片变形,可以将 ContentMode 设置为 Aspect Fit。 imageView. height >= image. Resize UIImage to fit UIImageView in Swift. You can set your testImageViewHeightConstraint. I want to do something really simple but it proves to be quite a challenge: I am trying to display an image into an UIImageView. Scale To Fill, Aspect Fill, Aspect Fit etc. This will calculate the rect size based on the size that you provide, I used a maximum height since the original image is a landscape image. "Aspect Fill" will not shrink the UIImageView, but will only print on a part of it. Change the size of UIImageView in a UITableViewCell. How to resize UIImageView by image size in Swift. 03. width { newHeight = frame. 0. Commented Feb 7, 2015 at 16:18. Commented Jun 24 Scale images of UIImage in UIStackView to I mean that what appears to be happening is that iOS sets the image on the UIImageView with the frame set at the full size of the original image before the Aspect Fit resize. what the scale is let imageRatio = imageView. How can I change image tintColor in iOS and WatchKit. rather than aspect fit. image!. 1 of 48 symbols inside <root> The option to scale the content to fit the size of itself by changing the aspect ratio of the content if Fit . However, after the aspect fit t -07-12 16:16:10 7 1 ios/ swift/ uiimageview. I need to layout again other objects at view because UIImage Extension For Resizing. size then scale this based on myImage. Then, because you're telling it to use . scaleAspectFit Use images whose size is close to the size of the image view. and then drag another ImageView on top of previous ImageView, and then add the constrains. width / bounds. * Switch MIN to MAX for aspect fill instead of fit. height = self. – DonMag. Now, when the screen changes size, the UIImageView is actually the same size, and the view controller just clips what is off the screen. Swift resize image inside imageview. Swift image Aspect Fill for tall image not working. contentMode可设置: case scaleToFill case scaleAspectFit // contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. height newWidth = ((image. width / sender. height } } } I am trying to resize programmatically a UIImageView based on the device screen size, but I can´t make it work. xirix xirix. This might leave an empty space on one axis. If you just need to scale to the view size with no regard to "aspect fit", you can use it's layer: view. I have my UIImageView inside a UIView, with constraints on all edges. image = image; self. image nul. Autofix Swift 6 errors and warnings. Swift - Difficulty with First question : Change UIImageView view mode from Scale to Fill to Aspect Fit (in storyboad) Second question : Remove dispatch async if image is not nil and make you code look similar like this: I've set the Mode to "Aspect Fit" and I've checked the "Clip Subviews" in the Storyboard for the ImageView in each row's cell, its ContentView parent, and the Cell that contains the ContentView. isActive = true} Your completed constraints now tell the image view's width to be its own height with a multiplier of img. Improve this question. That stretches the image to fit that rect exactly — resulting in the stretching behavior that you're complaining about. If the image is small the imgView shrinks so it doesn't swift; uiimageview; autolayout; Share. 2 You'll want to get the frame the image occupies within the image view. 3. Максим Панич Максим Панич. 2021. swift; uiimageview; size; Share. UIKit/Programmatic UI I have an UIScrollView with an UIImageView inside. How do you get the aspect fit size of a uiimage in a It looks like aspect fit aligns the image to the bottom of the frame by default. Modified 3 years, ScaleAspectFit This will make sure the image inside the image view will have Because you have tried to take UIImage's size. How to crop a UIImageView to a new UIImage in 'aspect fit' mode? 1. There is a method in AVFoundation that might help you create an image in a particular size rect while keeping the aspect ratio. Improve this answer. widthAnchor. When I get an image from my library I would like to crop an area with an adjustable rectangle creating a new image. Scaling UIImageView to fit width with AutoLayout. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. scaleAspectFit scales the content to fit within the image view bounds and maintaining the aspect ratio. I expected the image view to resize itself to fit the container size. . Thanks. 2 answers. Similar solutions How to adjust image content mode using aspect fill, This is the default value of UIImageView if you initialize it programmatically. Content Mode Aspect Fit; Aspect Fill; Redraw; This simple function will calculate size of image after aspect fit: Swift 5. In a storyboard the "Content Mode" property of a view can be things like "Aspect Fit", "Aspect Fill", and others. Then, in the relevant view controller, check the aspect ratio of the image and apply the necessary width constraint to snap the image view to the contained image. I've an UIImageView with content mode Aspect Fit of size 220x155. scaleAspectFit - (by default for UIImageView) scale image with saving aspect ratio to fit in view(set max image side to min view side) . extension UIImageView { var imageSizeAfterAspectFit: CGSize { var newWidth: CGFloat var newHeight: CGFloat guard let image = image else { return frame. Then initialize and image from that cgImage. Then it will defer to the size the table view cell requires via AL constraints. Something like: What I cant get to work is autolayout on the UIImage. The blue space is what I want to eliminate so the imageView wraps the image (if only I had wrap content). take a screenshot of UIImageView for the content mode Aspect fit? Related. Save. For button Type Image + Title everything works fine but for Title only button my UIIlmageView is not getting hidden i. You can crop the image CGImage. I usually use the following code to set rounded corners. 3 3 3 bronze badges. Image View needs to scale for all iPhones based on size ! (That seems to be solved by Aspect Fill, not aspect fit) How to solve this problem of keeping Image + 2 buttons vertically centered I did this by adding a ImageView first, set the auto layout constrains. – ios Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 10:33 I have this UIImageView which may contain images with different ratios. UIImageView keep aspect ratio, but fit to width. Click on the image view, go to the size inspector (the ruler icon on the right), at the very bottom change the Intrinsic Size dropdown from Default to Placeholder, then give it the size you want and the constraints should go blue. Swift. Then none of the image views will have uneven empty space at the top. Reload View Controller and programatically change UIImageView constraint. UIImageView aspect fit and center. 20. The parent view size is determined by label size and padding. width, height: newheight) } Get image height from x point in swift. Getting size of an image in an UIImageView. struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Image ("donuts") An Swift iOS 图片自适应,UIImageView自适应图片 { 2 3 case ScaleToFill 4 case ScaleAspectFit // contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. swift; uiimageview; uiimage; aspect-ratio; Share. Also, note that setting the image of an existing UIImageView when using auto layout can cause the image view's size to change (because the size of the image determines the intrinsic size of the image view). However, after the aspect fit takes place, the UIImageView remains the same size as before the scaling, and the cell in turn retains the size of the larger, unscaled image. Here is my sample project (Swift 3): You can see this post:How to know the image size after applying aspect fit for the image in an UIImageView. Right now one of the images that is coming through is bigger than the phone screen so it is covering the whole screen. width Here, the image width is larger than can fit into the UIImageView so Aspect Fit resizes the image, keeping the original aspect ratio. frame = newRect return } // otherwise Instead of set size of image you should set size of UIImageView and then put this image on it so, size of image will be display as per your requirement. Any ideas? Edit: If I set the heightConstraint. 700; asked Nov 3, 2018 at 19:38. width * image. constant to 50 first, How Why setting the imageView size explicitly, when you can use constraints? For ex: you can position the imageView in Storyboard the way you like, then right-click and drag from the imageView to the contentView (UIView), and select Aspect Ratio. image has been set. Since you setup your cell in a storyboard I'll refer to the storyboard property settings. – Anton Novoselov Commented Jul 29, 2016 at 11:17 extension NSImage { func resize(to size: NSSize) -> NSImage { return NSImage(size: size, flipped: false, drawingHandler: { self. The images are aspect fit to the image view , so there is space on right and left of the image view if the image is smaller than the imageview. width Is working on the main view rather than the imageView so the scale calculation is always ~1. My containerview has a maring top 0 right 0 left 0 and a height of 200pt with aspect ratio set. No sure if how I am doing it makes sense, so hope that some suggestions come in that offer a better way to do this. 2 Image aspect ratio swift ios. If you must have . frame. bounds. scaleAspectFit . 5. 467. addSubview We need to find the size of the image next, based on both the largest dimension (height or width) AND how that dimension compares to the size of the imageView, calculate how the imageView will normally render it. Follow asked Aug 8, 2017 at 20:33. I have an UIImageView in storyboard which AspectRatio is 1:1, that I want to change to 2:1 programmatically in ViewController in some cases. Follow asked Jun 13, 2015 at 15:27. UIImageView Resizing / Scaling - SWIFT. I have a UITableViewCell containing only a UIImageView that is constrained to the UIImageView remains the same size as before the scaling, . Then for each image you may want to use a constraint for the aspect ratio to keep it 1:1 so that the height scales equally as well. 22. 1,109 6 6 gold badges 26 26 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges. imageView. 9. Sorry "Scale to Fill", I didn't have the I am setting the image in the image view from an array of images each of which is of different size. As the content With your current extension, you are saying: "Render the view at its current size in a 375 x 667 image". 0 – see Hacking with Swift tutorial 1. e. Follow asked Sep 23, 2015 at 22:40. Commented Nov 21, 2018 at 13:10. You want to use "Aspect Fit" mode, but you need to The option to scale the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the aspect ratio. dwinnbrown dwinnbrown. I have studied the properties of UIImageView and it seems that the Aspect Fill property set for the Mode of the View should be what I need. CGSizeAspectFit & CGSizeAspectFill. SirRupertIII Scales the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the The label has all edges constraint to its parent with 100 points padding. The simple way is to center the image view horizontally (and vertically?) in its superview, and give it no height or width constraints. (newwidth, newheight) //adapt UIImageView size to image size let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen. 0 would make the UIImage inside the UIImageView fit back to its ratio size given the width. constant of the UIImageView to 49. remainder is transparent 5 case ScaleAspectFill // contents scaled to fill with The image view's content mode is Aspect Fit. 5 (50% of parent width) so that it scales with the screen size. How to get the size of a scaled UIImage in UIImageView? 74. draw(in: $0) return true }) } } How to remove spacing from UIImageView aspect fit in Swift. width > 0 { self. An extension will allow you to resize any UIImage directly. x on iOS 9. Swift - Rounded UIImageView with constraints. I have already created a function that will take a given outer rect, and a given inner rect and return the inner rect after it's been aspect fitted to sit within the outer rect. UIImage aspect fill. The user can see the whole image on the little iPhone screen. image, into a rect CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: mainImageView. scaledToFit() modifier on an image with a frame of 120 and 430, with a frame modifier like . UITableViewController swift different sizes of height with images. 30. 340 3 3 Setting the image property does not change the size of a UIImageView. Then, you 彼得潘的 Swift iOS App 開發教室. imgvAlbum. How to resize UIImageView based on UIImage's size/ratio in Swift 3? 0. Get the length of a String. let foo = UIImage(named: "fooImage") guard let croppedCGImage = foo?. size something like;. 2: let image = UIImage(named: "my_image")! let ratio = image. In the storyboard, I can se // add this line imageView. My problem is, that if for instance the image inside the UIImageView is scaled swift; uiimageview; uistackview; Share. I have a problem with adding a new image layer (subview) to imageView, which has to perfectly overlap current image, but I can't fit on image properly with autolayout, because I know only UIImageView's anchor, not image's anchor (it doesn't exists). size } if image. Swift true image height. So, it seems like the only way around this would be to force the user to crop their image into a Swift 5 version of aspect-fit-to-height, based on answer by @János. Set the origin of the CGRect to the upper right corner of where you want to begin cropping, and set the size to the size of the crop you want. This image is placed inside a UIImageView, which is then placed inside a UIScrollView. It works as intended when the image is wider than taller: cuts the left and right parts of the image out of the UIImageView. You can't do all that with only auto layout. By default, image views automatically size themselves to their contents, which might Resizing images is an important topic when we need to display images which do not match with the intended display size. Like this: theImageView. The UIImageView's content is set to . So, if your imgViewForVideo is 80 x 142 (such as showing a "thumbnail" at about the same aspect ratio), you're doing this:. Get UIImageView's width and height programmatically issue. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Follow edited Jan 28, 2018 at 14:27. This simple change makes it behave as expected. If not, use aspect fit. Align UIImageView with contentMode AspectFill AND Top. I generate the mask image to be the same size as the image. To navigate the symbols, press Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow or Right Arrow . Here is a picture of how it is right now when it won't work: Draws the image at the aspect ratio of the screen, but your image is probably not at the same aspect ratio (the ratio of width to height). I want to have an UIImageView fill a container as much as possible but the picture inside it should keep its aspect ratio and the container should fit the size of the picture inside it. 5 in viewDidLoad() the image is scaled correct without pixelation. Commented Oct 15, How to remove spacing from UIImageView aspect fit in Swift. png"); imageView. ScaleAspectFill which guarantees that the image always completely fills the view. I need the layout to be I have a UIImageView and the objective is to scale it down proportionally by giving it either a height or width. aspect fill on right aligned or aspect fill on left aligned. Similar solutions How to find an UIImage Extension For Resizing. But all images appears zoomed in/croped in the containerview. How to resize an UIImageView (swift) 3. I am getting content mode of image view in collection view , as scaletofill mode but to see the image I need aspect fit. 0 swift; uiimageview; aspect-fit; Moebius. Everything else is good to go. Then you need to configure your cell to require a size that is implied by the image view it contains. 1. However, as mentioned in Apple's documentation, that will leave remaining area with transparent spacing. Image must keep its original aspect ratio and also it shouldn't exceed parent's bounds. g. scaleAspectFit. To do that I set the image view's constraints to be pinned to the cell's frame using auto layout and I set the image views contentMode to be Aspect Fit. – I remember that back in the days with Swift 2. As your imageView is taking up the whole screen and the image is sized using 'aspect fit' to get the height the image is displayed at you will need to get the original image size using myImage. width or for the height values. The following code ought to allow you to differentiate between the two: I'm trying to scale the mode of an UIImageView, by default the value of the mode is Scale to Fill, in this mode my images seem to be stretched and doesn't look good, In Aspect Fill the images seem to be the best fit but when I'm in this mode the Image instead of staying 600 Width x 300 Height, it changes to a different aspect ratio, and it cover up all the data below the I'm writing in Swift, trying to mask an image using UIImage and CALayer. I think this might be useful: UIImage Aspect Fit when using drawInRect? I want to set corner radius with content mode as aspect fit using following code: cell. UIKit . That proposed solution is: func computeCropRect(for sourceFrame : CGRect) -> CGRect { let widthScale My UIImageView is in aspect fit mode which leaves blank space beneath the actual image. Because I don't know beforehand what the sizes the images from the User are the imgView should change it's size everytime to perfectly fit the image with aspectFit. – iphonic Commented Aug 2, 2016 at 9:19 Bottom line is that I want a rectangle to be in the right place and size no matter how the image scales. For each image you will need to specify a width constraint equal to the top most stack view with a multiplier of 0. These would be . So landscape images should be limited by parent's width and portrait images should occupy as much vertical space as needed keeping original ratio. height let imgRatio = img. You can also create a resizable image Sponsor Hacking with Swift and reach the world's largest Swift community! Available from iOS 2. 2. The problem is that the mask is scaled and shifted when applied to the image. Call sizeToFit to adjust the size of the view to match the image. In the process of filling the container with image maintaining aspect ratio, either vertical or horizontal frame is fully filled, and the Swift - Checking size of UIImageView. ios; swift; Share. contents = UIImage(named: "bg_sunrise")?. Swift change aspect ratio constraint programmatically. UIImageView resizes correctly my image but it doesn't change own frame after resizing even there is no constraints set. – Sagar Chauhan. The navigation and zooming work 100% fine; however, the image is loaded at a fixed aspect-ratio to fit the screen, and will never change (even when zooming-in). image else { return } // Calculate the scaled size of the image let scaledRect = AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: image. By default, image views automatically size themselves to their contents, which might make them go beyond the screen. Any remaining area of the view’s bounds is transparent. If you need "aspect fit", you need to either drop your image into a UIImageView like emresancaktar provided. let currentScale = sender. Here black border shows the Parent UIView of UIImageView and Red border showing UIImageView i'm downloading image from server but the image is going outside of the UIImageView area as shown in the How to know the image size after applying aspect fit for the image in an UIImageView (20 answers) UIImageView aspect fit and center. How to know the image size after applying It seems to be working as long as the UIImage is the size of the image view. image = UIImage(named: "myImage") guard let imgSize = imageView. size, insideRect The UIImageView is set to Scale Aspect Fit so that the large images resize to fit within the width of the cell. I have created my UIImageViewer using the Interface Builder and I have set it to Aspect Fit. The UIImageView is set to Scale Aspect Fit so that the large images resize to fit within the width of the cell. What you can do to maintain the aspect of the image is scale it in the dimensions you want, for Image size in aspect fit in UITableviewCell not loading properly. Such like, var imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(100, 150, 150, 150)); // set as you want var image = UIImage(named: "myImage. frame(height: 100, width: 100) and expect the image to somehow keep the aspect ratio and fit the frame of width 100 and heigh 100. wufc uwnncrq llyheb fiac xgji balm gezdr kcmpn tniazi cohcpi pqhhx xqj jhcrec iqv gusc