
Silverwind set mhgu. com/tds_Chris Discord: https://d.

Silverwind set mhgu Small Size. Striker sword slashes are vertical, Alchemy Sword The Great Sword of the Argent Comet. 21,000z / 2,100pt / 1,360HRP Sub. Crimsonhelm, and Akantor horns with a Sharp+2/Razor Sharp set. / Final form of the Silverwind Bow. I think I Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. 87. Sharpness+1/2 if you need it, and usually razor sharp, unless you're using something like the silverwind or rustrazor Lance that has a ton of sharpness. The final "regular" G-Rank Silverwind Nargacuga Quest, completed with the Charge Blade in Guild Style, with a Healing Forte Palico and a Gathering Forte Pali It's not very optimal with the bow but it gives crit up and crit eye 2 (I used the gunner head and the rest blademaster) with a charm, some gems, the nargacuga glaive and speed bug I was able to get to 100% affinity very early on so it kind of acts as a pseudo silverwind set for very early on :D Actually, Silverwind is designed to be pretty anti-adept with its combos. Thanks! Probably gonna just pair the LBG with the Silverwind set for now, since all my charms are s***. the razorsharp route is about 11% weaker than hayasol, while weakness exploit is 5% weaker if using tamarod sedition, but about equal using silverwind. Silverwind Nargacuga 白疾風ナルガクルガ Japanese Alias Swift Wyvern (迅竜) Classification Flying Wyvern: Attack Types Weakest To Main Series Appearances Latest MHGU: Original MHGen: Related Monsters Nargacuga, Green Nargacuga, Lucent Nargacuga This is my first post here, so thanks in advance for reading. A few others can work sure, but thats a very low Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by Currently rocking a Tetsucabra set. Reply Silverwind Crit Set: Full Silverwind w Toka chest and waist, in conjunction w Narga weapon. I've played through Ahtal-Ka and have a full set of Neset armor and a few Gold weapons from killing him. Main. From a casual standpoint, it’s pretty fun. Very strong. Silverwind headwear given to those who have cleared Special Permit Quests. Only for those who've tamed the mighty Silverwind Nargacuga. Silverwind Mail. / == Ultimate Form == Behold the Ultimate Form of the Nightfall Saber! Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English A Silverwind Nargacuga is in the Jurassic Frontier and the Wycademy wants it captured. New comments cannot be posted. Careful, though -- if you faint even once you'll lose your reward and fail the Quest, so keep an eye on your Health. A list of all the Armor Pieces and Armor Sets in the game. r/MHGU Currently hr50 and trying to figure out which heavy bowgun and armour set to use, i really like siege mode if thats any help, thanks guys! Locked post. By comparison, a mix set for my Ahtal Ka SA has WE, CB, Challenger 2, RS and Evasion 2, which has better sharpness maintenance and outdamages the SW set with striker. The Silverwind LBG is the best LBG in the game and the Silverwind Bow is pretty good for pierce as well. Adept DBs makes it pretty easy, but this weapon + style is very OP itself, so the next style I would recommend is Valor since you can do that crazy run by pressing R, once in valor mode, it has a guard point at the start of the run that'll recover a bit of sharpness if you V2 = Village 2 The quest Nargacuga Throwdown comes from a Villager. But yeh I'll probably make it some time this week Silverwind is a pretty good full set for swaxe or Evade lancing. 36,600z / 3,660pt / 2,380HRP Sub. / == Ultimate Form == Behold the Ultimate Form of the Silverwind Bow! Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by I was wondering which sets/weapons to grind out. Style: Swaxe is unique in that is very good with every Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Silverwind Blackfur. The top 3 Silverwind weapons are SA, Lance and LBG, so go ahead and make the LBG instead of the DB. For the chal 1+WEX set you only need a +4 pierce up OOO with full silver rath Tbh, Silverwind set seems a waste if you're going to use Valor or Adept style because you won't be using both Evasion +2 and Evade Distance skills. Well we will see this change in MHXX since mhgen is more limited in skill choices you will get left with 2-3 broken builds compared to 10+ broken builds. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! Add a Comment [deleted] Silverwind has natural Purple and Atk Up L, Def Up L, Health Up L, Wind Res. r/MHGU As far as skills, yes - the standard shot type up + crit meta is typically what you'd go for. 73. The Silverwind armor is one of those. Outside of this, there isn't much to talk, just parry all its attacks (except Silverwind's tail when it's about to do a moon slash and its tail slam, these are Special Permit // Silverwind EX: Hunt. Good on Lance and Gunlance despite what that other comment says, as well as Switch Axe. Silverwind Faulds Fill the Valor when Silverwind is enranged is a pain, the bitch won't stop hopping and hurling projectiles. In-depth information is fully present on an Armor's individual page. But if you wanna use slice, lbg is the way to go. 3D MODEL; GENERAL USE SETS Standard crit set = Crit Eye +2, Weakness Exploit, Crit Boost, Razor Sharp Hayabusa Feather Silver Solmail Lodestar Armguards Lodestar Belt Silver Solgreaves-----Sharpness +4 OOO-----Silverwind mix = Crit Eye +3, Weakness Exploit, Crit Boost, Evasion +2 Silverwind Cap (gunner!) Silver Solmail Silverwind Braces Silverwind Faulds Imo, the best weapons for Silverwind are the ones that can compete with its mobility, so I'd say SnS and DBs. . Any art pretty much works aside from brimstone slash, he never sits still long enough for it to go off, and odds are it'll just Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Silverwind waist armor whose special materials are suited for accomplished hunters. Deviant Armor is listed under Special Permit Armor. You can only break crystal beard's head with blunt weapons. There are plenty other very good Swaxes though, so feel free to make more and have fun with different varieties. The Seregios and Ahtal-Ka ones are very popular, as are the deviant Hellblade, Elderfrost, and Silverwind SAs. Light Silverwind Nargacuga → 18 votes, 30 comments. I used adapt kirin dbs. ≥1991. Late game it’s usually Silverwind Nargacuga for evasion , all evasion boosting skills but weak defense. You need to learn the monster attack patterns and exactly how to exploit Evasion +2 properly otherwise you'll be running A list of all the Armor Pieces and Armor Sets in the game. ≥2093. Otherwise idk x) This can get you silverwind sol, crit boost and either razor sharp (needed for most gunlances) or weakness exploit. Although some of them still have their niche just like they did in MHgen. Specifically the last silverwind carts me or the randoms everytime. 10. Stay in sword mode and roll/hop through everything. Reply reply TheOneThatWon2 • Elder frost lance is also good Oh wow not many people play mhgu that much anymore in 2024 upvotes Go to MHGU r/MHGU. 33cm. Weapon List. Insect Glaive • Additional comment actions. Hunt a Silverwind Nargacuga. Silverwind Mail Silverwind chest armor that proves a hunter's worth in hunting Deviant Monsters. Go around clearing all the yellow speech bubbles. Drilltusk has the highest raw at 340, and 5% natural affinity and Def15, but has thin white sharpness and you need to invest quite a lot in handicraft skills to get a decent purple sharpness from it. I know having pierce up for a gun that rapids Normal 2 is a terrible idea but I couldn’t find a good normal up armor set. Electrical_Total Reply reply sdylanh1 • Recently got Silverwind for first time myself, used Adept DBs which seems to be a great match up for Nargacuga in general. My non-striker SA set replaces Evasion 2 with Crit 3, which is something no deviant armor can get even close to, even with max stat charms. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . J. Try making an LBG set with Adept LBG. com/teamdarkside Twitter: https://twitter. Silverwind has both evasion boosting skills along with critical up and crit eye +3 . Go to MHGU r/MHGU. I used as my equipment a full set or rathian armor upgraded until it needs hyper rathian materials, and the initial switch axe Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English We've two Silverwind Nargacugas on Sacred Pinnacle that need hunting. RELATED: 10 Things Everyone Completely Missed In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Its lightness allows swift and free movement. Silverwind chest armor that proves a hunter's worth in downing Deviant Monsters. Wielding it fills the Arts Gauge faster. While you're on axe mode, if you press A after the first attack, you'll immediately change to sword mode and vice-versa if you press X on Sword mode after the first move. Make sure to hit head, use sonic bomb to make silverwind predictable. Talisman: Silverwind+3 OOO. Black fur from a Silverwind Nargacuga. 0z / 0pt / 0HRP Ive been replaying mhgu since forever now and between now and Rise, i wanted to keep myself busy, so ive taken up the lbg. Looking for MHGU information? [Blademaster] Silverwind Armor Set 8. I've been using the Silverwind Horn the most. Happy hunting Silverwind set is ok but otherwise none of the sets are worth making outside of transmog, though you need to kill the ex for that. Rare. 0z / 0pt / 0HRP Silverwind has only 300 raw, but is compensated by a natural 20% affinity and a decently thick natural purple and white sharpness. We have confirmed reports of a Silverwind Nargacuga at the Sacred Pinnacle. Like a brilliant star, it tears through the darkness. Hunt all large monsters. D. Usual skills for HBG are Pierce Up, Shot Silverwind Nargacuga are Deviants of Nargacuga introduced in Monster Hunter Generations. What are your favorites? Do you like any particular combos of Deviant armor + weapons? and blades are hone) pairs nicely with grimclaw/silverwind lances Dreadqueen is good for status shenanigans and support with wide range and such Bloodbath us good for big damage My goal is to upgrade Silverwind set to lvl6, but I've heard it gets significantly hardest later on (I'm not even sure I can beat the third quest). M. Silverwind Greaves. Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by I use adept LBG every so often and I use the Silverwind LBG. Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by My set is as follows: Aurorus helm XR Neset mail [+2 tenderizer if weapon can't] Silver solbraces Z +2 sharpness Silver solfaulds XR Rathalos greaves XR +0 Weapon +2 tenderizer (unless it doesn't have slots) Creator talisman +10 fencing Silverwind, Boltreaver, and the Research weapons, it also pairs well with MHW coming tomorrow folks stay tunedTeam Darkside: Patreon: https://www. And the silverwind hbg is unfortunately garbage, it's only useable for slice. Event-only Armor Sets and single-piece Armor Sets that It's not very optimal with the bow but it gives crit up and crit eye 2 (I used the gunner head and the rest blademaster) with a charm, some gems, the nargacuga glaive and speed bug I was able to I thought silverwind starts off as a low rank set? Edit: im wrong But i believe its more to do with the set'a theme of being a ninja and crap. and Neji's powers. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Quality fur from a Silverwind Nargacuga. Armas. MHGU Skills are just normal crit meta skills. But practically speaking, you're good to go right out of the gate. In general, if a quest requires villager quest chain pre-reqs, the quest itself comes from a villager. Make sure you're equipped to capture it before starting. Really a fun fight! Congratulations! Reply Oh wow not many people play mhgu that much anymore in Hunting Silverwind Nargacuga in MHGU with my valor longsword for the first time. You can mix it to add Weakness Exploit or Razor Sharp with a god charm. 87Map List Most Deviant Armors are really bad compared to other armor sets or mixsets. Silverwind Nargacuga. Lots of Purple Sharpness, 300 Raw & 20% Affinity. It Silver wind is designed around not getting hit. For example, if you keep your distance you can safely approach from the sides when it does the tail slam + tail swipe combo slashes (and if you i-frame dodge the later the opening is enourmous, but I didn't tried with the EX haha) and Posted by u/Stonedplayerbleh - 1 vote and 2 comments Deviant armours are basically specialized sets that just work. It's not going to be worth it over the ~40 raw and sharpness of the C R A B sword. *lv6 or higher. Its quality is denoted by its flexibility and strength. 14,400z / 1,440pt / 940HRP Sub. Objetos. You have to much invincibility frames after a dodge. If you want high defense look at hellblade grim claw and sets like that. kiranico. I feel like MHGU has the best endgame weapon variety of any title to date. Num Avg HP Stagger Attack Defense Exhaust Dizzy Mount Always valor sheathe it. Rare 8 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 0z Silverwind LV3. So my Silverwind set is a Neset Set with a Status +4/Expert +9 OOO, after decorations I get CE+3, Status Atk +1, Pierce Up, Crit Boost, and Shot Booster. Quest. Shagaru Magala for Normal lv 2. Hunt a Gypceros Go to MHGU r/MHGU. com! Silverwind Nargacuga. Narg hunt 3 20-30 minute hunt time Always carting once I main LBG in MHGU (over 600 hunts) and I also love silverwind and my advice to you is that LBG is not a good weapon to use against Ive soloed every silverwind and would like to solo this one as well. This is a collection of pastebins about what's normally meta in MHGU including styles, weapons, and armor skills created by myself (Jeck95#4374 on discord) and PrinceTNT1#1348 (on discord). Does anyone have any tips on how to handle it or would be willing to help me. com/tds_Chris Discord: https://d I know the Deviant armor is outdated in MHGU and there are much better options with G-Rank armor sets. Silverwind armguards whose distinct craft garners it the envy of hunters everywhere. 1702. Guard is nice but unnecessary due to Hunter arts. " / == Ultimate Form == The coveted Ultimate Form of the Silverwing Great Sword. This means the sets aren't particularly broken, but sets like Dreadking, Nightcloak, and Bloodbath armours can help make the game less grindy. Plus, the set is super good. With my skill set it gets 100% affinity (critical eye puts it at 70% or so, then repeat offender triggers after that). Frontier . Watch out for a Redhelm Arzuros joining the fray, too. / The Silverwing Great Sword's final form. r/MHGU Silverwind is actually the one set that works just fine with Swax if you have the charm for it. Unofficial Japanese Translations Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations. 5000. / The Nightfall Saber's final form. [credits to u/0cean27] 42K subscribers in the MHGU community. Silverwind is just annoying. After many many painstaking attempts and grinding Silverwind Nargacuga, I finally managed to get enough kills for the level 11 limit break/upgrade. r/MHGU Old school Striker with Silverwind set. patreon. Gran espada Espada larga Espada escudo Espadas dobles Martillo Cornamusa Lanza Lanza pistola Hacha espada Hacha cargada Glaive insecto. Quests. However, now that all pieces of my Silverwind armor set are level 11, Silverwind X is still greyed out in the skill list. SB, PU with avidya, a god charm just lets you get ce3+RO with silverwind. Silverwind Helm. Hunt 2 before time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket. More posts you may like r/MHGU. Armor are separate by Low-rank, High-rank, G-rank, and by its Armor Type. Either use another style or another set. Go to MHGU r/MHGU • by Adept style is very good with silverwind as you can easily dodge the air attacks. Ive soloed all things in hub now until the pre G diablos. Ends with skills: Silverwind soul (Critical eye +3, Evasion +2) Evade Extender Critical boost Weakness exploit Now the set sounds good theoretically (in my head anyway), but I wanted to know if it seems practical to you guys. Gives Silverwind Soul (Crit Eye +3, Evasion +2), Repeat Offender and Critical Boost, with 70% base affinity. Would recommend weakness exploit, razor, thunder+1/crit eye2/aum. I recommend Silverwind Narg LBG for that sweet rapid pierce 1 He mains LBG and has a lot of speed runs for MHXX/MHGU. I mainly play Valor HBG, so I can use my same charm and skills for LBG Pierce (seriously, of my 300 hours in GU, 250 of that has been Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Español English Français Deutsch Italiano Misiones. In previous games some people used evasion and evade dist as well, also not necessary due to Hunter arts. Blademaster. Ballesta ligera . The cost, though, is requiring a very specific talisman or equivalent. I don’t have a 3ds or Switch and for some reason i was having problems installing the game for an emulator on my pc so i wanted to ask if anybody knew where i could be able to access something like close up pictures of the armor or if someone that has Green assassin set (inspired from AkantoreX's male assassin set) Slagtoth hood Maccao mail X Rathian vambrace X Storge faulds X Rathian greaves X Reply reply KSIXternal A Long Sword made from Silverwind parts. Plus Attack Up M is an added bonus. Female. I am proficient in playing all weapons except bow, hbg, and gunlance. None. Island. Silverwind Nargacuga appears similar to normal Nargacuga, however similarly to Lucent Nargacuga it has bits of white fur and scales on I`ll leave out all the skills that are identical for the 3 sets and only list the ones each set has over the others: Silverwind Mix: Evasion +2 Critical Eye +1 Lodestar Mix: Razor Sharp Full offense: Attack Up XS (only 5 raw) Critical Eye +1 So in terms of skill quality alone, the order is Silverwind > Lodestar > Full Offense Silverwind was my first solo EX deviant too! Also used adept hammer haha. Capture a Silverwind Nargacuga. r/MHGU. Reply reply Steve_Jobs_iGhost Skills: Critical Boost Evade Extender Silverwind Soul. Base HP. Monstruos. I used the silverwind set, but getting it for transmog takes some effort, so if you want one easily obtainable, this one isn't for you. It's definitely not "optimal" but I play as alchemist with Silverwind armor + 3 slot talisman + Sedition Splitter (Seregios SA), which I sometimes switch according to some specific bosses. 0z / 0pt Add a Comment. Event-only Armor Sets and single-piece Armor Sets that do not fit in these sections are listed under Miscellaneous Armor. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Silverwind Hunter XV. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Rare 9 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 5,850z Nargacuga LV3 Silverwind LV3 Deviant LV3. Reply and for GS I'd say Valor with a crit/Punish draw set, big hit, run, rinse and repeat till dead. Light Silverwind Soul +10: Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. I must warn you that this beast is far worse than Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français F Silverwind Star XX. Guard sets are highly charm dependent so i can't recommend specific sets, but Silverwind Hunter VIII / 白疾風狩猟の証8 x1, Silverwind Blackfur / 白疾風の黒毛 x5, Silverwind Scale / 白疾風の鱗 x3, HR Silverwind Materials x10: 27200z LV9 Silverwind Hunter IX / 白疾風狩猟の証9 x1, Silverwind Blackfur+ / 白疾風の上黒毛 x3, Hyper Fang+ / 獰猛な鋭牙 x2, HR Silverwind Materials x15: 30600z I’m going to craft the silverwind nargacuga armor for a cosplay but i can’t find enough reference images for me to be able to build it. "Fear me, the galaxy-render; hear my roar of despair. I see. I recall the numbers ended up very close. Welcome to the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate reddit community! Members Online. Silverwind Vest. For low rank it’s most likely nargacuga. Very nice vs Dreadqueen and Most safe way to deal with Silverwind for me was run away when it was jumping and shooting its tail slashes. Pinnacle. Because the game doesn't tell you how hard the deviants are in relation to the regular monsters, I don't know if I'm beyond my league here and if I should wait until I have G Rank armor and weapons When you pet Moofah in Bherna for over 10 times in a roll, their reaction will change. The hyper seregios weapon gives sharpness on evades ( big synergy here ) + 20 % affinity across most weapons. Dual Blades is the one Adept Style that gets around this Yeh back in mhgen not many poeple actually belive me when I said that because of resuscitate that is was better than hellblade and in a few cases dreadking. Hell, you don't even need a charm, the set just works. So now ive wanted some recommendations on lbgs and gunner sets in mhgu, anyone ? For now im using full narga S and the narga lbg for the pierce. Current hunt statistics: S. Silverwind waist Gold Crown: ≥2,093. Idk how good your charms are or what your set is. Silverwind Nargacuga Overview · Carves · Equipment · Gallery · Videos · Ecology The Silverwind Armor is technically great, but it's very fragile. Male. Max Lv. Slap on that meta set and go to town. Crit eye 3, crit boost, evasion +2 and evade dist up? Evasion +2 makes your normal evade have as much i frames as adept style i believe, so you shouldn't be getting hit. The only worthwhile deviant set for gunners is Silverwind paired with striker lbg. There will be many a situation you find yourself needing to dodge an attack, but you adept it and get hit by the follow-up attack, and considering the tail slam becomes pretty much a one shot starting in 14, the don’t cart once quest, that’s very dangerous. I would also abandon poison and go for straight raw. My bonus list : Critical up 10 --> Critical boost Evade Dist 10 --> Evade Extender Insight 10 --> Composed Silverwind X 10 --> Silverwind Soul X All of these together lead to an even more critical based set up than the Silverwind set. Base Size. King Size. For support, final boss has Divine Protection, Negate Abnormal Status, Abnormal Boost, and Bind Res. But for bow I would recommend normal or heavy, in general they are better. I think my skills are: challenger +2, weakness exploit, crit boost, and razor sharp. I did him in a group The Silverwind set can be good if you have trouble with dodging (like me). Aside from that, Evade Extender doesn’t have any other meta applications aside from possibly the Silverwind set on Swaxe. 26. It's so good it's actually used in speedruns fairly often with swax Looking for MHGU information? [Gunner] Silverwind Armor Set 8. Not exactly the most high-damage set, but it is completely self-sufficient, has probably the highest possible Defense for any Gunner set (expect to survive hits that would instantly kill most gunners), and is what I'd call the safest Rapid Bow set. It's basically a Nargacuga with some silver in it. The most common talisman needed to get this set is one with Sharpness +5 and three open slots. Alleviate the threat by hunting at least two of them. Item List. Hit G-Rank for the first time! Silverwind Helm Silverwind headwear given to those who have cleared Special Permit Quests. 39,000z / 3,900pt / 2,550HRP Sub. Special Permit // Silverwind G5: Hunt: However Silverwind DS will come with 25% increase in hunting art gauge building rate like all Deviant weapons. A ticket awarded for hunting the Silverwind Nargacuga. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français A Silverwind Nargacuga scale. Chief Researcher: This Quest is reserved for only the most trusted Wycademy hunters. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Silverwind waist armor whose special materials are suited for accomplished hunters. Silverwind Braces Silverwind armguards whose distinct craft garners it the envy of hunters everywhere. The deviant skill for old deviants only Silverwind armor would go pretty well with Guild HBG, but Valor pretty much outclasses anything Kushala Daora for pierce shots. A Bow made from Silverwind parts. Gunner. Am I missing something? Does it not unlock until another condition is met? Silverwind Armor (Gunner) (MHGU) Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Silverwind Armor 白疾風シリーズ General Information; Type: Gunner Gender: Male / Female Rarity: Rare X Total Slots: 0 Total Defenses; Initial Defense: 110 Maximum Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: https://mhgu. Good luck, Hunter! S. The Silverwind's power incarnate. Its unique abilities attest to the wielder's skills. Peaks . Silverwind Leggings. I got my giant crown solo several months ago and started recording all of them solo using Adept IG, only have 10 of them recorded so far since I didn't start recording until my 11th Deviant -_-. Silverwind leg armor that can ably cross the line between life and death. ≤1651. Gods isle and Demons isle are based on Tanegashima in Sengoku period。 You can bind special attack to start button, make certain actions easier to perform. Rare 6 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 840z Nargacuga LV2 Silverwind LV2 Deviant LV2. Silverwind chest armor that proves a hunter's worth in downing Deviant Monsters. My current goal is to beat ex Silverwind, but silverwind g5 is a roadblock for me. Monster. Silverwind Cap. F Silverwind Star XX Rare X: Cutting: Melee: 167 +30%: Boomerang: 184 +30%: Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Your target is a Silverwind Nargacuga in the Misty Peaks. I started using the Silverwind LBG I have a set for hame related LBG, as well as HBG sets. Go to MHGU r/MHGU Thanks! Also, I'm using the g rank silver los set, and with the regular nargacuga ls. Big Size. Monster List. Evasion is really strong and it's not that hard to get WE in and depending on charm and weapon also handicraft or razor sharp. Get enough and it might pay off. 3D MODEL; Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English There have been reports of multiple Silverwind Nargacugas on the Deserted Island. Try to get tenderizer on a charm and that’s 80% affinity + critical up pretty big damage. Rare 7 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 2,520z Nargacuga LV2 Silverwind LV2 Deviant LV2. qex vkxcrhcn rizjk kivsl ses txygbmr kuxnj uknywjau wmjmq wuolar rspjtls lwi yilit iusik msqvb