My cloud software. Instagram Facebook Linkedin Youtube.
My cloud software Important: The My Cloud Setup Software will not find a My Cloud with Firmware upgrade availability and supported devices for My Cloud OS 5. MYCLOUD Property Management Software. Acronis True Image for Western Digital will only backup files and folders physically stored on the local drive. Para devolver un producto (solicitud de reemplazo de garantía), inicie sesión en el View the Use of Third-Party Software or Websites disclaimer. *END <script > var Shared with My Cloud Home Software de gestão para empresas, desenvolvimento de projetos com soluções à sua medida. The My Cloud Home explorer page opens displaying the contents of the device. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an online file storage web service offered by My Cloud is compatible with Apple’s Time Machine backup software. . com können Sie Ihre Inhalte auf allen Geräten mit Internetverbindung zugänglich machen – zu Hause und unterwegs. Find the right software for your WD, Western Digital, SanDisk, or WD_BLACK device. My Cloud EX2 Ultra. Enter the device name or IP Address into the URL field. How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) Downloads Troubleshooting: Firewall Settings on the My Cloud Home. My Cloud EX4100. My Cloud PR4100 Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. © 2025 Western Digital My Cloud OS 5 helps you easily back up and organize high volumes of content from multiple computers, smartphones, and tablets on your My Cloud NAS, on your own private network, and without costly subscriptions. My Cloud Mirror (Gen 2) My Cloud PR2100. Need more help? Answer ID 27402: How to Reset a My Cloud Device; Answer ID 27433: How to Set up a My Cloud Device Using the Dashboard; Answer ID 13943: Steps to Turn On Windows Network Mit der My Cloud OS 5-App für Mobilgeräte und über MyCloud. Software, Firmware und Treiber für WD-Produkte Answer ID 15790: Learn About My Cloud Home and Sonos Support: Answer ID 2024: Steps to Use a My Cloud Home with Apple iTunes on Windows: Answer ID 15289: Learn About the Mobile and Web App HD Button for My Cloud OS 5 and My Cloud Home: Answer ID 21034: Video or Image Show Different Create Date on My Cloud OS 5 and My Cloud Home smb://timCloud; smb://timPassport; Type File Explorer in the search bar. Verifique la instalación correcta de las . xx, let me know and I will provide the User Manual for that. Juni 2023 für Geräte, die nicht mindestens die Firmware-Version 9. 165或更高固件版本的My Cloud設備上手動下載並安裝 My Bei einem My Cloud: Wenn die LED blau leuchtet. So müssen Sie auf Reisen keine externen Laufwerke Install and Log In to the WD Discovery software with your My Cloud account Username and Password. Haga clic en Aceptar en el acuerdo de licencia de usuario final para continuar. Software Downloads; Resources; Additional Support WD / My Cloud. My Cloud EX2 Ultra Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. "Setup My Cloud Home for access from anywhere to music, videos and photos using the Web and Mobile Apps. Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. Benötigen Sie weitere Hilfe? Antwort My Passport, My Book, WD Backup Drive, easystore, WD Red, Blue, Black, Green, Gold, Purple, My Cloud. Answer ID: 5165 : Published: 08/20/2018 12:45 AM : Updated: 01/14/2025 08:26 AM Download Software, Firmware and Drivers for WD Products ; Steps to Find My Cloud Home Firmware Version 當將My Cloud設備直接連接到電腦的時候,如何訪My Cloud設備的儀錶盤 ; 沒有可安裝的 My Cloud 應用程式 ; My Cloud OS 5未安裝任何應用程序 ; 如何在運行2. Download the mobile app for phone or tablet to access your photos anywhere and stay in sync with your home or work files around the globe. Automatic firmware update cannot be turned off. 6 %âãÏÓ 25 0 obj >stream YÌ*Y ÞÉÁ æAyˆ‹ªZ°áéÞÖ~/ _ « æR`$\\2ò)åʬøÆ ïòbúRÿÓ+2 ï Ô–ºeÈÌ0Yñ˜ ð ȧ{{ né:¤á 3 在 My Cloud 中安装 abFiles 后,您可以通过无线或移动网络使用设备轻松访问存储在 My Cloud NAS 以及 Windows PC 中的文件。 Amazon S3 它通过网页服务界面提供存储,将设备上的数据备份到云。 WD Discovery Software User Guide, Download, and Instructions ; Steps to Uninstall and Remove WD Discovery on Windows and macOS ; Location of the WD Discovery Software Version ; My Cloud Home WD Discovery Desktop App End of Support ; Resolve the WD Discovery Not Supported Message como usuario admin. When a new firmware is available it will be pushed to the device automatically . Software, firmware e driver per i prodotti WD ; My Cloud Home: fine del supporto dell'app desktop WD Discovery ; Come abilitare l'accesso ai dati tramite rete locale per My Cloud Home usando la My Passport; My Cloud Home; My Cloud; My Book; My Passport Wireless; Internal SSD; Internal Desktop (3. It will not backup or pull data hosted remotely in Cloud Services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive Steps to Setup a My Cloud OS 3 with the Dashboard Install and Uninstall Acronis True Image for Western Digital on Windows Perform File Backup and Restore to Network Atttached Storage (NAS) Drive Using Acronis True Image for Western Digital Risposte correlate. com) If you determine you have the 2nd generation, firmware 02. To back up your Apple computer with My Cloud and Apple’s Time Machine: On your Apple computer, click on the View the Use of Third-Party Software or Websites disclaimer. GoodSync Free and Premium for WD My Cloud provide an easy way to perform basic tasks on Western Digital My Cloud products. Synchronization Service So aktivieren Sie den lokalen Netzwerkzugriff auf Daten auf My Cloud Home mithilfe des Dashboards mit Cloud-Diensten ; Windows: Ordnen Sie ein WD Network Drive unter Windows 10 und 11 zu ; Software, Firmware und My Cloud OS 5 vous aide à sauvegarder et à organiser facilement de gros volumes de données à partir de plusieurs ordinateurs, smartphones et tablettes sur votre NAS My Cloud et sur votre propre réseau privé sans abonnements Trouvez le logiciel adapté à votre appareil WD, Western Digital, SanDisk ou WD_BLACK. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with Le paquet installera WD Discovery, WD Drive Utilities, Universal Firmware Updater et l'application de bureau pour My Cloud Home. Click on the My Cloud Home icon. How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) Descargas de software. Sign in to your My Cloud, My Cloud Mirror or My Cloud NAS device. How To: Manage Account User | Con My Cloud OS 5 puoi eseguire il backup e organizzare i contenuti di tutti i tuoi computer, smartphone e tablet direttamente sul tuo NAS My Cloud, nella tua rete privata e senza dover pagare costi d'abbonamento. My Cloud DL2100. IMPORTANT: Use the given device name if the default name was changed. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with My Cloud OS 5 pozwala na łatwe tworzenie kopii zapasowych i organizowanie dużych ilości treści z wielu komputerów, smartfonów i tabletów na dysku My Cloud NAS, w prywatnej sieci i bez drogich subskrypcji. Finden Sie die richtige Software für Ihr WD-, Western Digital-, SanDisk- oder WD_BLACK-Gerät. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with "Setup My Cloud Home for access from anywhere to music, videos and photos using the Web and Mobile Apps. My Cloud Home firmware cannot be downloaded and updated manually. mycloud PMS, all-in-one cloud-based hotel management system, is designed to help optimize and improve functions like self-check-in, contactless My Cloud OS 5: 如何手动安装 Android 移动应用程序 ; My Cloud 应用程序无法安装 ; 如何在运行2. Auf die My Cloud kann zugegriffen werden, wenn das My Cloud Home Google Photos Third-Party App End of Support How to Access and Map a WD Network Drive on Windows 11 and Windows 10 Connection Status, Types and Definitions of My Cloud Home finden Sie unter ANTWORT-ID 29818 My Cloud OS 5 Zugriff auf das Dashboard auf einem My Cloud OS 5; Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Einstellungen. 4. Per restituire un prodotto (Creazione della sostituzione in garanzia), accedi al portale We use cookies and web tracking technologies on this site for various purposes, including to enhance site performance, personalize your experience, and deliver interest-based ads. To back up your Apple computer: From your Apple computer, click on the Apple logo on the menu bar to access System Preference; Select and launch Time Machine; If a screen displays informing you that a storage location for Time Machine backups hasn't been selected When using with the My Cloud NAS products, the software must be running from an operating system on the same local network. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with My Cloud OS 5 helps you easily back up and organize high volumes of content from multiple computers, smartphones, and tablets on your My Cloud NAS, on your own private network, and without costly subscriptions. My Cloud OS 5 vous permet de sauvegarder et d’organiser facilement de gros volumes de contenu provenant de plusieurs ordinateurs, téléphones intelligents et tablettes sur votre NAS My Cloud, sur votre propre réseau privé et sans So aktivieren Sie den lokalen Netzwerkzugriff auf Daten auf My Cloud Home mithilfe des Dashboards mit Cloud-Diensten ; Software, Firmware und Treiber für WD-Produkte herunterladen ; Windows: Ordnen Sie ein WD Network Drive unter Windows 10 und 11 zu ; My Cloud Home: Ende des Supports für die WD Discovery-Desktop-App ; So richten Sie ein My The My Cloud device is compatible with Apple’s Time Machine backup software. Western Digital Support cannot help with third-party software or hardware. Disponibile per il My Cloud Home : Guide de l'utilisateur en ligne de l'application Web pour les informations, la configuration et les solutions: Manuel d'utilisation (PDF) ID de réponse 19781: My Cloud Home : Guide de l'utilisateur en ligne Access to My Cloud OS 5 dashboard is limited to the local network by default. Téléchargez et accédez à des fonctionnalités supplémentaires sur votre périphérique de stockage personnel. There WILL NOT BE network drives in the Computer or Network view. Ensure the computer and My Cloud are on the same local network and subnet. Click Network. My Cloud EX2100. Trouvez des réponses détaillées à vos questions d'assistance pour votre produit de stockage Western Digital, SanDisk, WD_BLACK ou WD. My Cloud Home Google Photos Third-Party App End of Support Connection Status, Types and Definitions of My Cloud Home How to Access and Map a WD Network Drive on Windows 11 and Windows 10 Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Click File Explorer Desktop App. Apps are available for download and installation through your My Cloud Welcome to My Cloud Please select your My Cloud device to set it up: My Cloud. Synchronization Service My Cloud OS 5 lo ayuda a crear copias de seguridad y organizar con facilidad grandes volúmenes de contenido de múltiples computadoras, teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas en su NAS My Cloud, en su propia red privada y sin Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. "*END <script > var offsetxpoint=-60; //Customize x offset of My Cloud OS 5: Baixe e instale aplicativos de terceiros manualmente Baixe, instale, teste e atualize o firmware usando o Western Digital Dashboard Como acessar o My Cloud quando conectado diretamente a um My Cloud; My Book; Interne Laufwerke / SSDs; WD Elements / WD easystore; Eingebetteter und abnehmbarer Flash; WD ReadyView; Ältere und andere Produkte; Downloads WD-Software; Produkt-Firmware Software und Downloads. My Cloud DL4100. A new My %PDF-1. Open a web browser. Der Zugriff auf die My Cloud Home-Cloud ist nach dem 15. Troubleshooting: DHCP Settings. Current Firmware. My Cloud Mirror (Gen 2) Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. Details. ; Wählen Sie Firmware-Updates. 30. My Cloud Personal Storage User Manual (wdc. Scegli Opzioni di supporto. Wenn Sie Ihre WD My Cloud EX2 auf anderen externen Festplatten sichern oder Dateien auf einem WD NAS-Speicher sichern möchten, sollten Sie diesen My Cloud OS 5 te ayuda a realizar copias de seguridad y organizar fácilmente grandes volúmenes de contenidos de varios ordenadores, teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas en tu sistema NAS My Cloud, en tu propia red privada y sin Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. When using with the My Cloud NAS products, the software must be running from an operating system on the same local network. Użyj aplikacji Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Seleccione Opciones de soporte. Laden Sie zusätzliche Funktionen auf Ihr persönliches Speichergerät herunter und greifen Sie darauf zu. Experience the joy of having all your content organized in one central place that’s completely under your control and accessible from anywhere. Download and access additional features on your personal storage device. To back up your Apple computer with My Cloud and Apple’s Time Machine: On your Apple computer, click on the The My Cloud and computer must be set to DHCP. 1-101 haben, nicht mehr verfügbar. View Firmware Version and Release Notes. Find the right software for your WD, Western Digital, SanDisk, or WD_BLACK device. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with Enter the URL of the My Cloud Home in the Network Address bar if it doesn't show up in Windows Network. How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) MY CLOUD MOBILE. It will not backup or pull data hosted remotely in Cloud Services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Instagram Facebook Linkedin Youtube. ID de respuesta: 23714 : Publicado: 20/08/2018 12:21 Descargar software, firmware y controladores para Einführung. Need My Cloud is compatible with Apple’s Time Machine backup software. 5") Memory Card; WD Drive; WD Elements; WD easystore; WD Backup Drive; WD Legacy Products Software Source code / Firmware. Connected to your router? 透過 Western Digital 產品支持,您可以查找訂單狀態、註冊產品、檢查保固狀態以及檢查儲存設備上的返回和更換情況。 Software Downloads; Resources; Additional Support WD / My Cloud. 在 My Cloud 中安裝 abFiles 後,您可以透過無線或行動網路,隨時使用您任何的裝置輕鬆存取儲存在 My Cloud NAS 以及 Windows PC 中的檔案。 Amazon S3 此服務透過 Web 服務介面提供儲存空間,從而將您裝置上的資料備份至雲端。 Install and Log In to the WD Discovery software with your My Cloud account Username and Password. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with @octoberkid If you have a 1st generation My Cloud, Firmware 04. ; Haga clic en la pestaña Aplicaciones. How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) Descargas Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Wählen Support Software Downloads; Resources; Additional Support WD / My Cloud. Amazon S3 . 5") Internal Mobile (2. Windows Network Discovery must be turned on. It needs to be connected to the internet to get the Over The Air (OTA) update. Seleccione el archivo binario descargado en la ventana de exploración y haga clic en Abrir para instalar las aplicaciones. My Cloud OS 5 有助于您在 My Cloud NAS 和自己的私人网络上轻松备份并整理来自多台计算机、智能手机和平板电脑的大量内容,无需高价订阅。 在任何能够进行网络连接的地方,均可使用移动端或 Web 应用程序远程访问并分享您保存在 My Cloud Home: Guía del usuario en línea de la aplicación móvil y soluciones: Manual de usuario (PDF) Details. My Cloud PR4100. "*END <script > var offsetxpoint=-60; //Customize x offset of Steps to Setup a My Cloud OS 3 with the Dashboard Install and Uninstall Acronis True Image for Western Digital on Windows Perform File Backup and Restore to Network Atttached Storage (NAS) Drive Using Acronis True Image for Western Digital Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Shared with My Cloud Home Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. How To: Update the Firmware on My Cloud OS 5 device. Cloud drive apps are available for download and installation through your My Cloud NAS dashboard Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message How To: Update the Firmware on My Cloud OS 5 device How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) MY CLOUD MOBILE. Perform a 4 second reset if the IP Address settings are unknown. Troubleshooting Is your My Cloud device: 1. Troubleshooting: Firewall Settings on the My Cloud Home. Descargas de software. To download the folder, click on the folder and drag it onto your PC/Mac. EXAMPLE: \\MYCLOUD-XXXXXX * Where XXXXXX is the last 6 digits of the My Cloud Home seriel number. How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) Software da Scaricare. THIRD-PARTY NAS APPS. Software nach Produkt; Software für Windows; Software für Mac; Produkt-Firmware My Cloud is compatible with Apple’s Time Machine backup software. This WD My Cloud setup installer for Windows will discover your WD My Cloud personal cloud storage device on your network and help with setting it up. The setup will create a My Cloud Home desktop icon. "Network Browse" is turned Cloud drive apps are available for download and installation through your My Cloud NAS dashboard in just a few simple steps. Unter Verfügbare Updates erkennt My Antwort-ID 22048: My Cloud: Konfigurieren Sie einen Network Attached Storage (NAS) als Backup-Ziel für Software von Drittanbietern; My Cloud Home: Verwenden Sie Öffentlich. 165或更高固件版本的My Cloud设备上手动下载并安装 My Cloud第三方app ; 将My Cloud设备直接连接到电脑的时候,如 Customize your My Cloud NAS with popular cloud storage apps like the My Cloud app, and create a system that fits your specific needs. To back up your Apple computer with My Cloud and Apple’s Time Machine: On your Apple computer, click on the We use cookies and web tracking technologies on this site for various purposes, including to enhance site performance, personalize your experience, and deliver interest-based ads. What's New! Automatically Updating the firmware on your My Cloud Home Duo The firmware on this device is updated by over the air update. Customize your My Cloud NAS with popular apps and create a system that fits your specific needs. Apps are available for download and installation through your My Cloud Welcome to our fresh, new My Cloud NAS software ecosystem featuring our latest security updates, enhanced data privacy, improved connectivity reliability. Important: Les versions existantes de WD Discovery doivent être désinstallées et supprimées de l'ordinateur. Das Dashboard auf einem My Cloud-Gerät ermöglicht einem Benutzer den Zugriff auf die internen Einstellungen, Optionen und Funktionen des Geräts. Atendimento/ Whatsapp (21) 98469-7173; Bem Finden Sie die richtige Software für Ihr WD-, Western Digital-, SanDisk- oder WD_BLACK-Gerät. ; Haga clic en el botón Instalar una aplicación manualmente. ; Klicken Sie auf Aus Datei aktualisieren. Check to see which Western Digital My Cloud storage device is supported for OS 5. Beste Option für WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra Backup-Software. We use cookies and web tracking technologies on this site for various purposes, including to enhance site performance, personalize your experience, and deliver interest-based ads. Para devolver un producto (solicitud de reemplazo de garantía), inicie sesión en el portal de soporte. xx. xx, look at the User Manual. Navigieren Sie zum Speicherort der heruntergeladenen Datei auf dem lokalen Computer. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Antwort-ID 13501: My Cloud: Power-LED weiß, blau oder gelb blinkend und Antwort-ID 25304: My Cloud OS 3: Einschacht Automatisches Update für My Cloud EX2100/EX4100, DL2100/DL4100 oder PR2100/PR4100. La descarga de este software proporciona una licencia de 5 años para usarlo con su dispositivo compatible. Troubleshooting: DNS Servers. Zu Top Manuelles Update für My Cloud EX2100/EX4100 oder DL2100/DL4100. Product update for My Cloud Home Duo. My Cloud OS5 is a modern mobile and web desktop app experience, with My Cloud Home: Setup . How To: Manage Account User | My Cloud EX2 Ultra (My Cloud OS 5) Device Offline: Part 1 | How to troubleshoot My Cloud OS 5 device offline message. Powered on (solid blue light on front)? 2.