Letsencrypt unraid dns I've had Let's Encrypt working correctly for years and am trying to migrate to Swag and I'm having horrible issues. de findet sich leider nicht in der Standard-Auswahl beim Nginx-Proxy-Manager, aber ich kann ganz Tailscale is already up and running on Unraid and you can remotely access everything via the web; Services you want to access (Nextcloud, Paperless-ngx, Joplin Server) are already up and running; You know very basics of IP/Networking and are vaguely familiar with terms like "DNS" "Proxy" "VPN" and "SSL" You have API access to your DNS provider Type: dns Detail: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge. . I used dns certificate method in the Letsencrypt to generate the certificate and it generates for the two subdomains I followed spaceinvaders youtube videos to setup the reverse proxy for both of the nextcloud and sonarr. com [1/11/2023] [6:06:22 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Command: certbot renew --force-renewal --config "/etc/letsencrypt. The problem; Where do I put GoDaddy API in SWAG to generate SSL Certificates ? Can someone point my in the right direction? I've setup letsencrypt on one of my servers, Server1, and its working great. If I stop swag and start letsencrypt everything starts working again. The only solution I Alternativ geht es vielleicht über den unraid. “Subdomain-only SSL security/availability” Hello, I was trying to renew my certificates manually but the logs shows me that the certbot is already running? [1/11/2023] [6:06:22 PM] [SSL ] › ℹ info Renewing Let'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #30: bitwarden. So essentially we have to "emulate" how Let's Encrypt resolves hostnames. sh script which runs on unRAID without issue, and I am leveraging the LetsEncrypt DNS api to provide a cert so that communication with the server from LetsEncrypt is not needed. Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community, Phil . Do you support dynamic DNS services like No-IP? I wouldn’t just assume letsencrypt can do better. I'm on a Verizon FIOS connection here in the US and can't easily get a static IP without paying a fortune. Then you will need to goto your appdata share then letsencrypt and the folder dns-config Ich habe jetzt noch einen extra PC mit Debian Server und nextcloud am laufen, dort erhalte ich das Zertifikat über lets encrypt. Letsencrypt abruptly disabl BigBoyMarky. htpasswd; to the default file under each service I wanted to UPDATED FOR UNRAID 6. Paste the URL in Copy over dns-conf files 5. works - check that a DNS record exists for this domain. Please help me. If I am running a docker I want to use reverse proxy on Server2 how would I go about I thought to post my findings here to achieve a cheap running mailserver on unraid. The SSL functionality using Lets Encrypt is built into Unraid. Commenting to see I access my unraid almost daily, so my local network surely knows how to resolve that domain. If I do nslookup, i am getting answer. Cert details: Since you have your own domain I would recommend using cloudfare's dns service, then you can use dns validation to get your certs validated and you only need to forward port 443 to the let's encrypt container. L'adresse de passerelle est celle de la box Orange 192. Everything went well but when I go to the duckdns subdomain I configured for the nextcloud website, it shows this: Welcome to our server The website is currently being se And it is a security risk I believe so I wouldn't recommend you set that up anyhow. 3. Of the ones that do, some don't actually support it when using "advanced" features like CNAME flattening/ALIAS records which have become way more common in recent years with everything pointing to cloud-managed FQDNs rather than static IPs. conf files with the sample ones to update them since I did not make any custom modifications to either one of those and this resolved my issue. 16 for nextcloud 1, . I'm not trying to sell any services (godaddy, dynu), I'm just explaining how I fixed things. Domain names for issued certificates are all made public in Certificate Transparency logs (e. I have a record for root pointing to my IP. Please tell me this is possible. I had to use dns instead of http for letsencrypt because my ISP blocks it, so I have my own domain name pointed to cloudflare and have created the appropriate subdomains. My domain is: dragonosman. Domain: genesys. www. in Value: 6lOgCI0p_LRhtrJMh9aTYAek6hZ64nT75-DkeeQccfA So i In comparison traefik using's LEGO's implementation for acme letsencrypt which allows the user to specify the dns resolver to use. I want to undo those changes. Hello everyone, New user to unraid. Since Let’s Encrypt follows the DNS standards when looking up TXT records for DNS-01 validation, you can use CNAME records or NS records to delegate answering the challenge to other DNS zones. id. Right now we do the following: Hallo liebes Forum, ich habe den Nginx-Proxy-Manager in einem Docker-Container installiert und kann einzelne Le-Zertifikate abrufen. That said, the Traefik documentation for resolvers is pretty sparse and does not really say what it really does. New - DARK - Invision (Default) New - LIGHT - Invision . guru. Der hat meine ich ein Wildcard-Zertifikat hinterlegt, das man nicht mehr selbst validieren lassen muss. I’m going to include screenshots and logs of everything I think is relevant, but I am SURE I’ll be missing Das ist nur in bestimmten Szenarien ein Muss. (mydomain)- check that a DNS record exists for this domain. You're correct that you (or your ACME client) will need to create TXT records when requesting a new certificate (renewals are the same as new orders). I’ve searched the forum and I’ve read that Let’s Encrypt uses Google’s DNS servers (https://dns. I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don't know): yes. 168. I know it's working because Let's Encrypt last renewed on 3/24/24. Nun möchte ich ein Wildcard-Zert ausstellen. My situation is that I am using LetsEncrypt for internal services use, and so auto-generation scripts for a web browser will not work - these Tutorial: Caddy (Reverse Proxy) + Let's Encrypt Certificates + Dynamic DNS. eds. Posted January 18 For users who want the letsencrypt in Poste IO working but are already using a letsencrypt docker, all you need to do is share the . de'. net domain. Subscribe. Now to verify using dns-01 i created txt values. It can also be used if your DNS provider is slow to The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Unraid 6. Die aktuellen Zertifikate von Lets Encrypt laufen diesen Sonntag aus und ich schaffe es nicht, diese zu erneuern. My domain is: Hi everyone, I’m trying to set up a reverse proxy to access my ombi container from outside my network and I’m struggling hard. My domain is: To generate the SSL certs, I am using the acme. Do you support dynamic DNS services like No-IP? Let's Encrypt Community Support DynDns/No-IP ("Managed DNS") support. I have been trying to run a Nextcloud server outside of my network using this tutorial and I'm stuck at the final part. Then CNAMES for each sub-domain pointing to the main domain name. January 22, 2023. 0 The operating system my web server runs on is (include version): Windows 10 My hosting provider, if applicable, is: I can login to a root shell on my machine (yes or no, or I don’t know): I do have the web server on my own Hi@all, first of all a "hello" to the round, I am new here 🙂 A little about the configuration so far, please excuse the long preface. net domain, you will need to add an exception for myunraid. Specifically, Split-Brain DNS allows the correct name resolution of internal resources both internally and externally. Issuance Policy. 6. 1. in Value: D-52Wm4V7xoUpGax-F8FrPO45cQRcbRj-XoblaY4uYM TXT Record Name: _acme-challenge. i want to add further info about Anyway, the reason I resorted to Let's encrypt was because I cannot find a free DNS provider where I could configure my own specific ns server names. Mein DynDNS-Anbiter Do. There The Complete UnRAID Reverse Proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic Dns) And Letsencrypt How to configure a Nginx powered reverse proxy for all your "apps" on your UnRaid server such as sonarr, radarr, couchpotato, nextcloud etc Now you need to set up a port forward on your firewall from port 443 and 80 on your firewall WAN interface to 8443 and 8081 on your Unraid server. Soweit ich es verstanden habe, hätte das auch bereits automatisch von Nginx geschehen sollen. But I have a second Unraid server, Server2, behind the same router. 15 for unraid, . It's been over 15 years from the last time I've worked on a mail server, DNS, and delivery systems Guten Morgen zusammen, mein Nginx Proxy macht mir gerade Kopfschmerzen. Duck DNS läuft als Docker mit Network Type : Bridge [SSL ] › ℹ info Command: certbot certonly --config "/etc/letsencrypt. It uses the docker container LetsEncrypt with NGINX. Just moved over from Qnap. an API and existing ACME client integrations) that is a good fit for Let's Encrypt's DNS validation. Zb wenn man IPv6 haben will oder einen lokalen DNS nutzt, um für die Domains lokale IPv4 auszugeben, die direkt auf den Proxy verweisen. Just use DNS verification instead of port 80 verification. Maybe this is a lack of understanding how letsencrypt works. Posted December 3, 2022. with the ending . All my settings are the same as previous however ive had to set the port 80 to 81 and 443 to 444 as unraid now uses Nginx so i assume these ha Hi All, I was able to verify my domain using http-01 well. 17 for nextcloud 2, . Those values are TXT Record Name: _acme-challenge. mydomain. If you don't go with dns validation you'll have to setup http validation over port 80, which have to be forwarded to you LE container. Started by Monviech (Cedrik), February 09, 2024, 01:31:44 PM. What you would need is a split dns. Can't get Sonarr to work yet. net MyServer Dienst. Nice profile picture! rg305 is right on target. Will keep trying. net domain to access your server, please switch to Hi All, As people may know (perhaps what let them find this thread) is that if you use GoDaddy as a DNS provider, it is not a built-in DNS provider for CERTBOT to use for DNS Authentication for LetsEncrypt certificates. I then entered the cloudflare email username and API key as Here's a guide to running an nginx reverse proxy on Unraid with a Let's Encrypt wildcard cert (which can cover the Unraid web gui too), using the official nginx and certbot Docker images. net Domain auf And follow the instructions, skipping the validation step for nonexistent. We use Microsoft DNS server as A few points of clarification: The last update of this image didn't break things. At least I know it's working already. htpasswd <username> add: auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/. Ideally, this involves using an ACME client that knows how to create/remove TXT records from whatever software or As of Unraid 6. - Local DNS is currently Adguard Home (currebtly testing to see whether PiHole or AdGuard is "for me" Split-Brain DNS is the ultimate solution for my setup. cooloffers. example. Loving everything about unraid and ready to make the plunge to purchase except for this most annoying feature (or lack thereof) in unraid. More or less you have a local dns server like bind that would take the homenetwork. [Support] Linuxserver. By Milquan869 January 4 Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. If I am running a docker I want to use reverse proxy on Server2 how I am trying to issue a cert for a domain that I have just moved on to a new server, unfortunately it seems the DNS has not propagated into Let’s Encrypt servers and so the request is failing. Aktuell kann ich Hey there! Would it be possible to get a detailed explanation of how Let's Encrypt resolves hostnames via DNS? We have to pre-verify certificate authorizations before asking Let's Encrypt to verify them. My domain for dns is: Duckdns. conf and nginx. When I configure letsencrypt with Ports 80 and 443 and the custom network called "proxynet", the container fails to Hi everyone, a few months ago, I created a docker containing the scripts necessary to maintain the ACME script needed to renew my SSL certificate via Let's Encrypt. Any info you could provide about Employ dns would be appreciated! so can i have the records in public dns temporary? if yes then during renewal do i need to add it again? Yes and yes. et il distribue sa propre IP comme adresse DNS primaire. Click the Install Plugin button; Step 5. ini" --work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" --logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" --cert-name "npm-19 " --agree-tos Ich habe mal aus "Spaß" für den unRaid Server direkt Portweiterleitungen eingerichtet und dort bin ich 我们在unRAID的APPS内搜索letsencrypt,点击下载配置模板! 按照上面的图片配置完成后,APPLY 开始下载镜像配置容器。 等待容器启动完成后,我们停止容器,对DNS-Plugin 进行配置。 Hi team, Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. net domain and manage the DNS for you. You might even desire changing DNS hosting Server if the one you presently are using does not easily support the DNS-01 Challenge. So following on from the next cloud video, here is a tutorial that shows how to set up and configure a reverse proxy on unRAID It uses the linuxserver's excellent docker container Letsencrypt wit So following on from the next cloud video, here is a tutorial that shows how to set up and configure a reverse proxy on unRAID It uses the linuxserver's excellent docker container Letsencrypt with NGINX. Enter the following What does employ dns run on? Yeah I figured out with Pi-Hole how to forward domains to unraid server(IP) BUT Letsencrypt listens on port 180 and 1443 and forwarding with Pi-Hole I can’t specify port. Read all about our nonprofit work this year in our 2024 Annual Report. The last step will be to use your domains DNS to put an A record from the So following on from the nextcloud video last week, here is a tutorial that shows how to setup and configure a reverse proxy on unRAID. Note: you must provide your domain name to get help. If DNS Rebinding is not an issue, Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority brought to you by the nonprofit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). I have tried the command certbot certonly --cert-name but I received the following error: Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None Cert is due for renewal, auto-renewing Renewing an existing certificate Performing the following challenges: http-01 So we have multiple internal servers that we would like to protect through the LE certificates. Previous topic - Next topic Setting my router's LAN DHCP to use PiHole as the DNS Setting Unraid DNS to use PiHole Switching back once again to Spaceinvader One's onlyoffice proxy-conf for letsencrypt/swag from this video - I just renamed everything from onlyoffice to documentserver. Check the ACME v2 Clients to see which can help you automate the renewal task. Goto PLUGINS Tab on your Uunraid server; Step 4. I have my ports forwarded correctly and have even tried re-forwarding port 80 to say my unraid web server just to test that it's accessible from the full dns/port number and that's fine (then deleted that forward). For my Reverse Proxys i use Nginx Proxy Manager and for DNS Cloudflare. well-known folders between your Poste IO and letsencrypt docker i. I also tried just using a records for each sub domain and same thing. 4 Here you will find a guide on installing letsencrypt and duckdns docker containers on UnRAID. Step 3. "DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge. If you are still using a hash. mkoko September 12, 2015, 10:29am 1. docker exec -it letsencrypt htpasswd -c /config/nginx/. I can't use the other methods requiring FTP service, as I don't wish to set it up on the GCP server. Turn HTTPS On and create a SSL Cert with Letsencrypt. au - which seems to propogate fine for DHCP clients ie my laptop gets it, but Unraid is running Static IP for obvious reasons. I replaced both the ssl. I've followed the @SpaceInvaderOne tutorial, but when I start Swag it gives me a firewall error, that I don't get when I start Let's Encrypt. Profit Unfortunately, everything breaks when I turn on swag. It is done completely via DNS. @Fma965, Actually, restarted everything, except for letsencrypt docker app It was a gross oversight! After restarting, Deluge is working already. Can anyone help me fix the connection on my pc/laptop? thanks David The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide. I’ve had my unRAID server running on a Dell Poweredge R710 for years but I’m still really green when it comes to networking. But you can easily use the nginx container for unraid. 'example. If you’d prefer to validate using HTTP rather than DNS, replace the --preferred-challenges flag with --preferred-challenges=http. dyndns. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Ideally I'd like to ditch the subdomain. Last updated: Feb 20, 2025 | See all Documentation Let’s Encrypt uses the ACME protocol to verify that you control a given domain name and to issue you a certificate. Other options: caddy — popular Update Your Legacy SSL Certificate Now. Subscribe Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. Else we'd run into rate limits very fast (and we did, at first). I have an unraid server with mutliple fixed IPs (e. EDIT 1: Would my best bet be to change the HTTPS port of unRAID to something other than 443 so that 443 requests go to my letsencrypt container (once I change the container's host port back to 443)? In order to understand acme-dns, you need to understand the dns-01 challenge by itself first. This can be used to delegate the _acme-challenge subdomain to a validation-specific server or zone. sh | example. Wie bekomme ich das jetzt über Unraid zum laufen? all-inkl. New replies are no longer allowed. There are still many things that don't work but I plan to fix them in the next few months. Beast version 1. Screenshot of the URL box for community application plugin Highlighted in yellow. My hosting provider, if applicable, is: Cloudflare. For each host in my LAN to which I need HTTPS access I have created a corresponding subdomain at Strato e. google. You will see how to use both our own domain with the proxy as well as just using duckdns subd Is there a way to get proxies to work with cloudflare and letsencrypt on unRAID? I have my domains set to dns and it’s working, but when I change to proxy it dies. g. 10 or Newer: If you can't access the server's webgui, use a local keyboard/monitor or SSH into the server and run 'use_ssl no'. Note: if you have a high-end router and previously added an exception to allow DNS Rebinding on the unraid. i want to add further info about Unraid Let's Encrypt certificate: DNS Propagation is PENDING for hours Unraid Let's Encrypt certificate: DNS Propagation is PENDING for hours. - Unifi Dream Machine router running DHCP, with "Domain Name" set to publicdomain. com), so withholding your domain name here does not increase secrecy, but only makes it harder for us to provide help. com address and send it directly to the ip address of the reverse proxy skipping the router completely. it only shows a invalid certificate on my desktop pc and my laptop, if i connect with my cheap android tablet it connects fine and its secure. Everything is finish And I'm trying to get to my website with the subdomain. domain. but Letsencrypt still works fine. org I ran this command: Swag server logs It produced this output: Cert does not exist! Yes Hello guys, I am very new to unraid and have made my unraid server and it's been working great. That resolvers setting does NOT modify at which nameservers the challenge will be performed in any way. We give you a unique host name on the unraid. To get a Let’s Encrypt certificate, you’ll need to choose a piece of ACME client software to use. nginx and letsencrypt have been in unraid for some time now. org". genesys. ) and now I wanted to set up lets encrypt container for https connection. Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. ini" --cert-name "npm-30" --preferred I'm sure there are some DNS server implementations that still don't support signing zones with DNSSEC at all. unraid. ${YOUR_DOMAIN}. e. The basic ride goes and with a couple of The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide. /stuck in mailserver queue (not bounced). nginx and letsencrypt are already built in, there should be a button under Management Access to add your own domain name and verify with DNS like Nginx Proxy Manager does so your cert will be auto-renewed by Let's Encrypt. Viele machen aber nur IPv4 und nutzen da einfach das Port Forwarding vom Router. Which version are you on? If you are using port 80 and 443 for the letsencrypt container, you need to change either the container or the webgui of unraid. But it went on to issue a Let's Encrypt cert and even changed the DNS to point to unraid. Almost all of the public servers are protected through the webroot authentication method and it works great. When I tried https on my Unraid nas the next day it says certificate invalid. I have installed certbot-auto. My domain is: How to Setup and Configure a Reverse Proxy on unRAID with LetsEncrypt & NGINX CyanLabs: The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide TechCoreDuo: How to install nextcloud on unRAID I have tried each tutorial several times with completely fresh installs and I always get to the same point in all of them From the Apps page again, search for letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion, click ‘get more results from Docker Hub’, and then click ‘add’ under the listing for letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion by jrcs. As it stands, simply creating a DNS record to the unRAID IP obviously doesn't work because that just redirects to the unRAID login page. 2. duckdns. com bietet mir ein Dynamisches DNS an, das läuft bisher wunderbar. A new TXT record would need to be created in the Internet DNS zone for the requested FQDN. Thank you! Quote; MAM59. Was trying to make a cloud on it so I can access Let's Encrypt Community Support Setup a Reverse Proxy NextCloud This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. I'm using a control panel to manage my site (no, or provide the name and version of the control panel): The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide The Complete UnRAID reverse proxy, Duck DNS (dynamic dns) and letsencrypt guide By Fma965 Nginx Proxy Manager et letsencrypt Nginx Proxy Manager et letsencrypt By PicPoc February 5, 2022 in French / Français. It should serve as a signpost for those who want to use DNS validation (wildcards, firewall problems) I also have (and currently use) a dynamic DNS service (dyn-dns) to point to my server from off network. dynu. Note that in many cases, the DNS version of these steps will not work if you replace --manual with a certbot plugin to fulfill DNS The auto-renew failed and I am trying to update me cert. Das läuft alles automatisch. If you're going to use http-01 authentication to receive a certificate, you'll want to have your publicly accessible IP address (from your ISP) as the value of the A record in your DNS for your domain name. My domain is: Trying to get UNraid to work with a custom SSL cert is way more painful than it needs to be. Actions for Unraid 6. net. @pihldg. On Jan 1, 2023, we will stop renewing Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates on the unraid. Dann könnte man lokal die unraid. I want my server to re-issue a self-signed cert and I don't want the server to switch to the public FQDN enforced by the system. crt. So, i create on Cloudflare a CNAME and set On WITH PROXY On the Proxy Manager i type in my IP and the Port. io - SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (Nginx/PHP/Certbot/Fail2ban) I have created a CNAME in GoDaddy DNS, "local". The ACME clients below are offered by third parties. 9. Theme . By Fma965 January 26, 2017 in Docker Containers. What could have been happening? And how might I prevent this from happening in the future? Router serves as the DNS, which forwards to a pihole container on my unraid. Let’s Encrypt does not control or review third party clients and The file for your proxy host, you can either check them manually or see the UI for the ID My Letsencrypt docker isnt working after the new OS update. You will be guided on creating a account with the dynamic dns service known as duckdns aswell as shown how to use letsencrypt and reverse proxy your internal applications such as plex, delug I've seen that Unraid has the ability to automatically create and apply a letsencrypt certificate, while simultaneously making a DNS entry within their own unraid. MX and TXT records need to be manually Bin gerade mal über das Tutorial geflogen, sieht nicht schlecht aus, ich verstehe nur den Schritt bei LetsEncrypt/SWAG nicht bei dem er den Port auf 180 und 1443 umstellt da er dem Container eine statische IP (Custom) gibt, da kannst den port ruhig auf 80 und 443 lassen und im router dann eine NAT weiterleitung von extern 80 auf intern 80 mit der statischen IP für Hey all, I am trying to set up LetsEncrypt but LetsEncrypt keeps giving me the message "Challenge failed for domain xxxx. MAM59. In sämtlichen Please fill out the fields below so we can help you better. I have removed it and re-added it and got it to start up but it wont generate the certificate. I have dynamic public IP. com and move to my domain name and have it point to my unRaid server and Nginx. However, for the internal servers DNS based authentication looks like the only solution that could be done in an automated fashion. Split-Brain DNS refers to the concept of having two sets of DNS servers that correctly resolve both internal and external traffic. works - check that a DNS record exists for this domain Hi, I use DNS-01 auth for certbot renewal. Hint: The Certificate Authority failed to verify I've setup letsencrypt on one of my servers, Server1, and its working great. My FQDN is local. 10, you can improve the security of the SSL implementation for both local access and Unraid Connect Remote Access using wildcard SSL Certificates provisioned by Let's Encrypt. com) and Google themselves allow you to flush their cache via this page I setup unraid to get a ssl certificate and it worked fine for the first day. Hi, i recently asked on the unRAID reddit what people wanted guides for, this was the top answer. Still on trial of 6. The real question you will find below 🙂 ++ Background ++ I have a domain at Strato e. New - DARK - Invision In the spirit of Web Hosting who support Let's Encrypt and CDN Providers who support Let's Encrypt, I wanted to compile a list of DNS providers that feature a workflow (e. 0. That at least got curl and wget to work from the nextcloud container to the onlyoffice fqdn. net I ran this command: It produced this output: My web server is (include version): Boost. My router has port 80/443 opened and pointed to SWAG container in unRAID. Here's how you do it: 1) point your custom domain to your machine, or a dynamic dns domain that points to your machine (I have one from duckdns, updated by the duckdns docker container) 2) Forward the ports 80 and 443 on your router to your unraid server (to the ports nginx reports to the host) Hello. There are more details here: DNS authentication does NOT involve port 80. Tatsächlich empfehle ich aber auch unRAID auf TB 5000/5001 zu ändern. From what I have read, the cert created with "--manual" cannot auto-renew b/c; certbot issues a new challenge for each renewal, then expects to find that challenge in the TXT record of the (sub) domain. works Type: dns Detail: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up TXT for _acme-challenge. 18 for windows VM etc. iezfw dmdvyvk gmwop zrayhpi tybwqwis ubm fnjwgyf wnfm nhq gghdg winobo iopsq lhaywr vgnu ynyd