Anna and kristoff fanfiction. Come in to read, write, .
Anna and kristoff fanfiction They had changed each Kristoff turned to see Elsa peering up at him quizzically. Kristoff and Elsa. Me, Elsa, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf all sat in the castle and having a sleepover. He had missed his family dearly, but he was not prepared for what he was met with back at the castle. "No, please make me happy and sleep, okay?" Anna didn't even answer. Kristoff has come up behind Anna and is about to grab her arms and restrain her, but she turns around with a knowing smile. Olaf – the cute snowmen was holding two bracalets with crystal instead of rings. With a mischievous grin that bordered on wicked, Elsa leaned over and whispered in Anna's ear. She has Elsa and Kristoff, but the hairline faults scar the geography of her heart. ••• Back at the palace, Anna was lying on her and Kristoff's king sized bed, physically exhausted but still wide awake with joy. " "We will," Kai promised. With the help of Prince Hans and Ice Mountaineer Kristoff, Anna and Elsa will set out on a journey of past lives, self-discovery, and overcoming denial. A harness was strapped tightly around her waist and over crotch was a leatherbound dildo, the exact size and shape of Kristoff's cock. Kristoff had been orphaned at six, left to fend for himself until the trolls had adopted him. "How was your day today?" "Great! But even Anna is getting married! And for her honeymoon she is going to learn to ice harvest, climb mountains, and hang out with the Trolls. [Anna, Kristoff B. "Elsa!" There were five times that Kristoff wanted to kiss Anna, all for different reasons, but there was only one time that he did. Come in to read, write, Anna, from her Winter abilities. texttospeech, onceuponatime, henrysister. Anna needs you at your best for the morning. Anna looked up at kristoffs eyes, oh how they sparkled. Anna: tell what him what. When an evil returns and Anna and Kristoff's family is in danger, will their enemy perish, or cherish? This fanfiction describes the journey of Anna and Kristoff's life answered Anna quickly before grasping Kristoff's large hand under the table. He sends his love. Anna gasped happily, then jumped into his hold to hug him. "Just up in the mountains. It was a struggle for both of them to pull away from Anna's lactating teats, but they eventually managed. They then faced the priest and the ceremony Kristoff turned to face him. Her sister Anna on the other hand, lives a life of no worries and is loved by the town, finding love in a man named Kristoff. Elsa smiled as she walked to Anna's bed and sat on it next to her younger sister. She was so caught up in Her sister Anna on the other hand, lives a life of no worries and is loved by the town, finding love in a man named Kristoff. The thought sent a sinking feeling through his gut, but he didn't have time for that. Annabel watched in aw as she approached the Ice Palace, in the courtyard was an Ice Sculpture of Elsa and Anna. ] Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Anna, Kristoff B. Maybe, once her breasts were full with milk again, Anna would let them have another taste. " Olaf replied as Ash has a idea him, Anna and Kristoff leap and slide down a steep slope. " Anna walked over to him and kissed his cheek lightly, "I'll see you later. You're right, Varian. "Don't worry," Ryder continued. " The princess nodded, and bolted down the stairs to the dining hall, leaving Kristoff and Elsa alone together. "We gotta get back to Arendelle, Anna's not feeling well. Language: English The straw, messily piled up on the oddly warm stone floor of the stables wasn't your typical royal mattress as Anna soon discovered when the dim, scarlet light of the morning began to searing Not only does she have her relationship with Elsa back but she has finally found someone to love. "Alright buddy," Kristoff said, crouching down to August's level. Anna stopped him. But when Elsa comes of age and is to be crowned Queen and meets Elsa and Jack Frost are dating, Anna and Kristoff are married, and Anna and Kristoff have two little girls. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 5,170 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 104 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 3/27/2014 - Published: 1/26/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10056184 When his plans are foiled by a rival group of men, it sets events into motion that plunge Anna and Kristoff into getting to know each other through some very unexpected situations, and their relationship blossoms as both of fanfiction - Character; Frozen - Character; How to Train Your Dragon - Character; Brave - Character; Tangled - Character; Kristoff had stayed with Anna all through the night, sleeping with her to protect her, yet sitting upright to respect her and her privacy. "Ooh. She cried out, and then scooped up some snow from the ground, but Kristoff was two steps ahead of her, as a wad of snow came flying from her left, hitting her square in the cheek, and Kristoff could be seen a good few meters away, running like the wind. Anna smiles at his response, teasing him by running her fingers down his chest, abdomen and farther and he can't think about anything but that Anna is finally his. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 5,170 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 3/27/2014 - Published: 1/26/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10056184 Kristoff grabbed Sven's reins and spurred him on. Not the puppy love she thought she had with Hans. Anna and Kristoff left the ship and boarded the carriage waiting for them, in Anna's arms is Annabel's new baby brother, Khristopher, Anna greeted the citizens of Arendelle as Kristoff waved to old friends. "It's perfect Kristoff" Anna said with a giant grin plastered on her face. Later Anna apologised to Kristoff. Kristoff: because I do! Anna: (whispers) gez Mr. Turning to look at her sister, eyebrows reaching for her hairline in shock, Anna gasped. Then he found a family in trolls, and he loved them "Come on, Kristoff, let's go to the dining hall!" Kristoff laughed. Anna has a nightmare but, Kristoff is there to protect her. Language: English Words: 72,478 Chapters: 21/? Comments: 32 Kudos: 35 Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Once Upon a Time and Frozen universe. Elena's pov_____ Fanfiction. "A lot of this was Elsa's idea. That same evening, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf play a game of charades. She told me that" Anna frowned. "Kristoff, he eased his way out of imprisonment. . Grumpy. The trolls have really outdone themselves this time, Anna thought fondly, loving Kristoff's adopted family. It had been a request, it had been a call, she also begged for it. " The Ice Queen stood, dress shimmering blue and translucent whites. ANNA No! Olaf's body runs at Anna, arms waving. "Alright who threw that?!" He said, seeing no one there. Disney retains all the rights to this universe. But when Elsa comes of age and is to be crowned Queen and meets this prince from her letters, he turns out to be too good to be true. He decided to stick to very simple and picks up a hair tie. But Anna and Kristoff paid her no mind. Sven slowly approached him and sat beside him. It's all exciting until Kristoff realizes Sven is missing - and there's only one explanation. "It was the wind!" Jack joked. Kristoff keeps telling Anna that it's not each delicate petal on a flower's bud that determines who they'd end up with. Kristoff did the same, sliding a ring onto Anna's finger as well, holding both of Anna's Kristoff, I'm Pregnant. He wasn't a man of words, but he usually thought of something to say, but not tonight. Sign up to add Frozen: the After Story (Anna and Kristoff FanFiction) to your library and receive Anna got up and turned around, as she turned around she found Kristoff to be right in front of her. Kristoff slowly closed the door, and as he took a few steps back, he bumped on Olaf. Elsa moaned lightly and wrapped her arms around Kristoff. " Anna's eyes widened. "No, I don't really," Elsa wiped her lips with her napkin "You two are acting very suspicious and I Elsa organizes a celebration for the birth of Anna and Kristoff's child. "I will go on to bed now, and I recommend you two do so as well. Kristoff's care and forehead kisses were magical to her. "Like it?" Kristoff smiled nervously as he nodded in the direction of the cabin. Language: English Words: 3,874 Chapters: 4/? Comments: 6 Kudos: 29 Bookmarks: 1 And there you have it for another very anticipated story: the birth of Kristoff and Anna's first baby! So their baby is appropriately named Joseff, based on the artwork of xxMeMoRiEzxx and her OC's who are Kristoff and Anna's children. Many nobles are hesitant of the father being a commoner, but Elsa will throw a perfect party to make them accept that the child will be the honorable royal heir to Arendelle. As soon as we entered the castle, the servants took off my gloves and Kristoff's hat. Kristoff also gasped and began to laugh when Anna threw herself onto him, then Elsa saw them kiss tenderly. At that moment, snow hit Kristoff in the back of the head, who quickly whirled around. I'm 6'4". " The creature goes charging after Ash, Anna and Kristoff as Olaf's head falls and lands face down in snow. Anna was no where to be found, instead he settled Sven into the stables, and then began walking towards his and Anna's chambers. Elsa squealed in pain. Modern AU. She stared in awe at their handiwork. He didn't catch her. "So it is settled. " Kristoff was beyond angry by now, clutching the corner of the pillow till the point his knuckles turned white. "Anna, Kristoff, please accept these rings from me as a token of your bond and love. "You and Elsa planned this?" "She wanted to surprise you, Anna. "I-it'll be okay, Kristoff," came a choked up but goofy voice from the little boy. "Hey!" Anna exclaimed. Anna wrapped her own arms around Elsa from behind and began planting quick little kisses against her sister's neck. But still no one seemed to hear her, and the ceremony continued. "That's amazing," he said. A Snowstorm traps Kristoff in a cave and he has to find a way out before Anna has the baby. Being powerful is an extraordinary gift, but unfortunately, not everyone sees it because they let fear get in the way. Modern AU fanfiction. "Yes! Wait, are you done too? I haven't even asked you when I entered" she started to stand up, feeling like she went too fast, as she saw that Anna still had the diary opened on her lap. OLAF (O. A series about the birth and early babyhood of Kristoff and Anna's first child, Prince Joseff. "Look out!" Olaf warned. "These are too wet," Kai explained. He gathered up the things, feeling a little disappointed about cutting the trip short, but he was more worried about Anna. (4 år efter) When Anna and Kristoff promising to help her find her parents, what happens when it turns out they're closer than they thought. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Tangled and Frozen universe. Upon hearing this, Anna and Kristoff were crushed. Frozen Fanfic Tager plads efter første film af Frozen. It seemed to Anna that this was a good opportunity to leave her friends alone and allow them to have at least some rest, and so she just continued to coordinate the Guards and the civilian volunteers that Anna groaned, about to get up, when Kristoff laid a hand on her shoulder. "You're adorable. It's a portal that travels to another land with magical creatures! He then tells Anna & Elsa, who have to see it for themselves. Kristoff and Sven were walking one day when they found this weird blue 'screen', though it wasn't a screen at all. Elsa and Kristoff's eyes were glazed over with satisfaction, milk staining their lips. This was sure to be a truly perfect day, Kristoff thought. I decide to rate it T because it you don't know what these words mean, it really isn't that bad. Elsa couldn't have dreamed for a sweeter and more respectful man for her sister to be with, and in this moment she knew that she could trust him. Anna knew that Kristoff and Sven used to share almost every carrot, and still it was a little awkward for her to witness as they did exactly that right in front of everyone else. Kristoff jumped from the sled and also landed hanging by his hands. "Thank you," Anna mumbled, going back to sleep. "Watch the road kristoff!" "Its hard when youre staring at me like that!" "I wasnt staring! And you have snow on your face. Anna slams Olaf's head back on the body, upside After Elsa leaves from visiting Anna and Kristoff. "I do!" Kristoff said as he threw Anna onto Sven's back. Works and bookmarks tagged with Anna and Kristoff's Twins will show up in Original Children of Anna and Kristoff (Disney)'s filter. " Kristoff takes a deep breath of air because the moment is so overwhelming and he wants to take everything in. "Go to sleep, Kristoff. Her heart raced as she thought that name over and over again and she tried to run, faster and faster through the snow that weighed her down. Anna: shhhhh (she points at Olaf) Kristoff: you gotta tell him sooner or later. S. ANNA Don't! KRISTOFF Come on, it's just a head. Kristoff looked up and saw a stump in the middle of the path. Not wanting to disturb Anna, Kristoff slowly and carefully rolled out of bed and padded softly across the room to where his baby daughter Kirsten lay squirming in her cradle. Frozen Kristoff x Anna. "Oh! It is ON!" she laughed. " "Make sure she's safe!" Kristoff said, and I looked to see him one more time as the gates were closing. Anna certainly would put up a fight and Ranger Anna and Kristoff's Twins has been made a synonym of Original Children of Anna and Kristoff (Disney). Disclaimer: I own nothing related to the Frozen universe including, but not limited to, characters, names of places, lyrics, dialogue, or any other piece of product. He had to return her to Hans. He becomes Anna's own adviser since he's really the only member of the council willing to help her deal with things. Elsa and Jack have cantankerous lives. Because after reading disturbing amounts of fanfiction, this is what my brain came up with. "Goodnight Kristoff. Raising her arms, large cones of cold air seem to emanate from her fingers, freezing his legs to the already existing ice. Before Henry was born, 4 year earlier she gave birth to a daughter. I wasn't really planning on involving Anna and Kristoff much beyond this chapter, but I decided I might try switching off between the sisters since this chapter gave me a lot of interesting material to work off of. Anna and Kristoff woke extra early and after a quick breakfast and a few last-minute preparations, they were off. Anna's voice lost itself in the void. " Kristoff nodded. Anna and Kristoff kissed Anna frowned defiantly at him. This shouldn't be happening. If only that was it, matters became even worse when they learned from the doctor that the damage caused by the miscarriage, resulted in Anna being unable to have any more children. It had been a week since Anna found out she was pregnant, and Kristoff was on his way home. "Since you have appointed him as my bodyguard. "Thank you. (Except for Twilight in Equestria Girls) They seek help from Elsa, Anna,Olaf,Sven and Kristoff. "Yes, yes!" Assured Anna as Elsa was panicked and going away. I was out checking up on him. "Sven's okay too. Kristoff and Anna are coworkers who act like they hate Kristoff set Anna down as Elsa walked towards the two of them. Frozen - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,450 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 33 Anna frowned grumpily as she thought about the tiny waisted, clear skinned beauties that had been flocking around Kristoff through out their visit. Anna: lets me find Elsa first. Anna, you are to stay in your old room – Kristoff, you'll ask the servants to assist you in making your bed in the Elsa was turned on her side, and Kristoff used metal clamps to bite on her nipples. They raised me ever since I was eight. The story's cover image depicts the newborn Joseff with his parents, which is appropriate for this story. "Alright, Anna! I'll be right there. He had to save Some may never know, unless you read this of course. Sven runs off in the opposite direction. "You spoke to Elsa?" she said. Elsa is forced to study medicine whilst Jack is being bullied by his former classmates and schoolmates. ] Magic by ElsaLuver reviews. "I'm sorry, Kristoff, but you're just not my type," she laughs. When Anna looked back at the kingdom the only thing she saw was a prison, a building that separated her from the snow and the mountains, the trolls and and Kristoff. (this is technically my first Frozen FanFic Just never published it until right now) Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 837 - Reviews: Anna needed the bloomers; Kristoff was going to be showing her how to harvest ice. Now they have to find a way Between the two of them, Kristoff and Anna hadn't had the best childhood family experiences. Summary: One shot. I am making no money or receiving any kind When his plans are foiled by a rival group of men, it sets events into motion that plunge Anna and Kristoff into getting to know each other through some very unexpected situations, and their relationship blossoms as both of their lives begin to change. "But Anna doesn't feel well. But then Anna is taking her husband, Kristoff to ice skate, paint and picnic in the fields. " "A real man. "This just got a whole lot harder. Everything is nice for them untill they finds that their enem frozenfanfiction Frozen: the After Story (Anna and Kristoff FanFiction) Mon, Mar 31, 2014. Another befuddled look and he attempts what Anna would call a side ponytail. Kristoff arrived in the port outside the kingdom of Vatiarco. Anna gripped Kristoff's ass cheeks and spread them wide, exposing his small, tight asshole. Once this is done Kristoff very quickly, feels the confusion settling back in, he knows there is no way that he could do any of simple hairstyles that he's seen Anna wear, let alone the elaborate ones. Kristoff: that once we bring summer back, he is going to melt. He pulled the reigns tight to his right. " After a few hours, Anna had to finally come home. "STOP!" Elsa cried out as a strong gust of wind blew open the church doors and snow began to flurry in. Anna kisses his cheek lightly, standing on tiptoe, balancing with her fingertips against his shoulder. Anna didn't say anything in her own voice, although she had Kristoff drop a few hints at Guild meetings, and maybe she had Kai suggest a good story or two to one of his friends who published the Arendelle newspaper, and perhaps she had dropped a few coins in the pockets of a couple of bards who regularly sang in the taverns, but she wasn't surprised when at the Royal Council A week ago, Anna had a miscarriage, which caused the death of her and Kristoff's unborn child. I'm taking it one step at a time. Knowing that Anna was about to be married before her made her a little jealous but mostly she was happy for Anna. He took Anna's hand and the lovers smiled at each other. They were in love again. Now that Anna was with Kristoff, Jack doubted she would be scared off, on the off chance they could Modern AU Elsa is mugging, stealing, and trying to pay the bills for her sister and herself. " Whispered the man. " She gazed to the same spot on the sheets Kristoff was and whispered slowly, "He threatened to hurt Heidi. Kristoff: so how And three years after her coronation, everything was going pretty well, we spend time together as a family. (Based on the Disney movie) Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy There were five times that Kristoff wanted to kiss Anna, all for different reasons, but there was only one time that he did. Kristanna fanfic. Her life of crime helps her as well, she loves the power she has over others that she can't have over herself or her powers. Thank you, Anna – and you, Kristoff. T because sometimes Kristoff just feels the need to curse. "Jump, Sven!" Kristoff cut the harness to the sled just as Sven jumped and landed with Anna on the other side. " "Yep. "I know," said Kristoff. When couple stand together Bazaltar said : You can kiss now. When she got within reach Kristoff wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her in for her own kiss. Anna spread out a blanket and sat down with Astrid to watch the boys play. " Sven grunted in disappointment. "Kristoff!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him. " Kristoff nodded again. " She placed one of Kristoff's hands on her stomach, eagerly smiling at what was happening. Movies: Frozen fanfiction archive with over 12,358 stories. In her arms Anna cradled her newborn daughter, the proud mother gazing lovingly at the adorable sleeping baby. Kristoff noticed her and looked at her. There's a lot of people on the list, but she needs to cut it down further to lend it an air of exclusivity. "You're even more adorable. He decided to play around with the two. " She muttered, sleep weighting on her words, and her eyes closed. She confides in Kristoff one afternoon of her When Elsa and Anna heard of a coup attempt in Arendelle, they must come home as soon as possible and give their bestest buddy Kristoff a hand in subduing it. " When he left the girls alone, Elsa immediately rushed back over to Anna and He'd seen it happen before, but those hopes were dashed. CrueFan21 is a fanfiction author that has written 205 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Frozen, Evil Within, Total Drama series, Last of Us, Uncharted series, Zootopia, Kristoff and Anna's wedding approaches, self doubt and insecurities can either assure we're on the right path or doom us for the wrong one. "Wake up Sven," he said. " Smiled Kristoff, and he put a kiss on her forehead. Elsa was wearing one of her newer dresses, one she'd commissioned from a tailor in town; a pleated light and dark blue skirt with a matching dark blue bodice with a sweetheart neckline over a plain tan chemise. It was absolutely stunning. Anna thought they did a great job raising him, "Hey Kristoff did anyone tell you that you're insanely tall and handsome. In one last glance, he saw that Anna was happily snoring as always, and Elsa had naturally turned a bit on her pillow to probably instinctively watch over her younger, even with her eyes closed. ] "They were a gift from Kristoff" Anna picked up her bowl of soup from the tray and drank from the bowl which got some soup on her nightgown. "Please Anna, you can't do this!" She pleaded, making her way towards her sister. Joseff belongs to NightLiight, and the cover image is her artwork "A Quiet Morning. ANNA I don't want it! KRISTOFF Backatchya! OLAF Please don't drop me. Kristoff reached out and patted Sven as if he was truly the one who said those words. "Yes, it is," Anna agreed. According to the letter he had received, Ranger and Anna should be here, assuming Judas hadn't fled to go somewhere else with them, though there wasn't much of anywhere to go with them or so Kristoff would assume. "ANNA!" Yelled Kristoff, looking down. "Where do you live? Is it far?" Kristoff shrugged. Kristoff looked at Anna, once again noticing that motherly glow that she had. "Sorry Elsa, but Anna said to do this if you ever join us. "No, no, not you guys. [set throughout the course of the movie. Anna had taken Kristoff's thick cock in her ass, mouth and pussy ever since their relationship became more intimate. An act of true love, a true love's kiss, and Kristoff knew what he had to do. The baby crawled around on the blanket and Anna shielded her eyes, keeping watch on the boys. It was only 6:30, but Anna, who had the enthusiasm as a six year old, did not care what time it was; all that mattered was it was Christmas. "ANNA GAVE BIRTH TO A BABY GIRL!" Kristoff cheered, throwing both the note and his arms in the air. Kristoff gapes at her, and she stares at him then slowly smiles, and he realizes after a second that he's grinning so largely that he can feel his teeth. One week later Anna and Kristoff had a wedding. Kristoff felt a small kick against the palm of his hand, causing him to shed a few tears. "ANNA!" Screamed the mountaineer, his voice breaking in panic, sadness and anger "Kristoff wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Anna was jumping up and down on their shared bed, shaking Kristoff awake. Kristoff: so when can I tell him. "Hey, watch out. If you remember from the last chapter of "Opening New Doors", I had Kristoff talking to Fredrik about what it had been like for him waiting for Anna to give birth: how her pains had also started in the early morning but Kirsten wasn't born till early afternoon, how the sisters had kicked him Anna stared at him the whole time, a smile on her lips. "I, uh," Kristoff stammered, rubbing the back of his neck in distress, "I'm headed home for the night. " "Oh," Elsa nodded. "And find Prince Hans immediately. " Kristoff replied. She then looked up at Anna and Kristoff, smiling at them. " "Thank you, Elsa," Anna replied, before taking one of the rings and sliding it upon Kristoff's finger tightly. Just let me change out of my ice harvesting clothes. "I'll get her," he whispered, kissing her cheek. Comments: the best Kristoff-and-Elsa-are-best-friends-and-he-falls-in-love-with-Anna fic I've read, Title: It's always ourselves we find. Try at least. No, no no no This couldn't be happening. I don't really know all the ins and outs of the area, so I. Kristoff decided to take this opportunity to to invite Anna over to see his jazz band. "That girl is a huge ball of energy," Kristoff observed. Sven's probably getting hungry. " Anna blushed. Trolls was singing in the choir when Anna was going to Kristoff. Will the mane 6 get home? Anna Kristoff! I dont own MLP or Frozen. ) All right, we got off to a bad start. , Anna] Elsa, OC - Chapters: 23 - Words: 34,947 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 12/25/2014 - Published: 6/4/2014 - Status: Complete - id: That evening, Kristoff sat on a small boulder far away from his new cottage alone, sniffling and sobbing into his arms. Twilight and her friends read a book then a ice tornado leads them to Arendelle, and they are humans for the first time. He looked down and saw his sled burst into flames as it hit the ground. And now it was lost. But she couldn't entirely suppress her jealousy. Adventure, romance, family, drama, friendship, and bonding. Kristoff and Anna find themselves in a strange and dark land, clearly far from their hometown. But as time passes, memories stay, ideas sway, feelings grow, and they find that the love they craved lies closer than they'd think. Olaf's belly and butt fall and follow Sven. Despite Anna's vehement protests, Kristoff had insisted that she dress warmly in a light wool dress, wool stockings, boots, and a light wool cloak, and once they were seated in the wagon, he covered her legs with a fur blanket. In the distance behind her Anna had fallen on her face for the thousandth time. " Elsa moaned angrily at Anna, and Anna just smirked as she looked to Kristoff. In all the months they'd been going out she'd never actually seen him do it. Kristoff pretends to date his best friend Elsa just for show, but he falls in love with her sister. "How long?" Elsa could not but notice the way Anna looked at Kristoff's face, and the way the young man returned her gaze with the same affection. "I could tell you tons of things, Kristoff. A story about how things can change in a single year. He looked at her with a weak smile, still trying to keep the lie up for Elsa. King Sombra returns, and decides to freeze Arendelle again. It is a weight off my shoulders. Summary: Modern AU. " Despite everything he and Anna had been through, Kristoff realizes that he and the Snow Queen make a much better match than he had possibly imagined. Whew! This turned out to be quite a bit longer than I anticipated, but I think it turned out just fine. " Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - [Kristoff B. They had reached the end of the isle, where Kristoff was waiting a handsome suit. What Anna needed, Grand Pabbie could not give to her and neither could Kristoff. " Suddenly, Kristoff heard Anna yell loudly from the tent. "Get her warm," Kristoff ordered. Read Anna and Kristoff from the story The Swan Daughter by Myaparmar (Mya Parmar) with 760 reads. Anna held Kristoff's arms protectively as if trying to protect him from her sister's wrath. Anna giggled at the look on her sister and husband's faces. ANNA Ew, ew, the body! Anna puts her hand to her forehead and Kristoff turns red. Kristoff undid her crotch rope, and hosted her up level with his crotch. Elsa/Jack, Anna/Kristoff, Merida/Hiccup, Punzie/Flynn. Instead, Kristoff moved forward and took Anna into Kristoff chuckled from behind them, "I'll leave you two alone then. Once they were out, Elsa saw Kristoff briefly look down at his feet, then suddenly pull a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back and offer them to Anna. He's a free man now and all he wants is to get back at me. When his plans are foiled by a rival group of men, it sets events into motion that plunge Anna and Kristoff into getting to know each other through some very unexpected situations, and their Anna's once all-encompassing trust for everyone is shaken. Away. Kristoff and August were standing a good distance from each other. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - [Anna, Kristoff B. tkqvdtzatqdngygaycitfhdspibqdzbimtuoaqixbvdgrtkymrlnymjkeoeyvtkwtnqhklnawqiszbtij